Many people argue "Why should I be affected by something Adam did?" The problem is that the question begs the question. Adam was created "upright" from the very hand of God. For all intents and purposes, there is nothing in the human sphere to which Adam can be compared (other than Jesus Christ incarnate). If a direct creation of God with the greatest free will available made the wrong choice, upon what basis can anyone argue that he could possibly do better? The data for any such logical argument is totally unavailable.
Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Based upon this verse, some argue that it was not sin that was passed upon all men, but death. Sure, but it also says that all have sinned.
1. If Adam as the ultimate human bearer of free will sinned, where is the basis to argue from any given wellspring of data that he could have done "otherwise"?
2. If we are not affected by Adam's fall, WHY have "all sinned"? If we have the same free will that Adam did, why, out of the billions of people who have ever lived, have there not even been ONE who has not sinned? Is it just that the statistical deck of time is stacked against everyone so that the likelihood is [SIZE=-4]really, really, really small[/SIZE]?
Also, Total Depravity does not mean that everyone is as evil as he can be, nor than everyone cannot do "good" in the human sense. It is just that no one "seeks after God" (the true God for Who He really is, not a "God" that pleases the natural man).
First, total depravity as defined by Calvinists is a contradiction. You say man is not as bad as he can be, which shows he can choose good. If a person is truly ENSLAVED by a sin nature, he can ONLY choose to do evil. If a person finds a wallet full of money and identification, if a man is truely enslaved to sin he will always keep the money. The fact that men often return the money to the rightful owner proves they are not enslaved to sin.
You admit men are not as bad as they can be, they can choose to do good, but then you contradict yourself and say they cannot respond to God and accept Christ.
Man is either enslaved to sin or not. You yourself testify that he is not.
The fact that billions of men sin does not prove they have a sin nature. Satan and the fallen angels were created good, but they sinned, Adam and Eve were created very good, but they sinned. So the fact that all men sin does not prove they were created depraved.
And I do not find it remarkable at all that all men sin. Adam and Eve were created in a perfect world that supplied all their needs. They had one single law to obey. Yet the very first time they were tempted they sinned.
So why is it remarkable that men born into an utterly corrupt world full of thousands of temptations and with many laws to obey should sin?
What I find remarkable is that Jesus could live 33 years as a man in this world without sinning. Now that is fantastic.