In the past I've tried to help people in poverty and still do. And, I could have a line a mile long with people with their hand out. But, when you began to require that they go through financial counseling and required to set up a budget and be accountable for maintaining it the line dwindles down considerably. Many times there are no takers. What's more important; a black berry or the power bill, premium cable or food on the table, a carton of Marlboro smokes or a tank of gas, going to the bingo hall or paying the water bill...? Many choose the frivolous at the direct peril of their own life and own family and then expect the church and government to bail them out. That is wrong and it's wrong for me or anyone else to enable those types of choices. My wife and I don't smoke, etc., but there have been times in our life where the cable tv went off, weekly trips to our favorite restaurant went on hold, the enhancements on the phone service were removed, etc. Those are things we didn't have to have and there were more important considerations. We try to teach these same things but many don't want to listen. For those who truly want help we are there but it is not the job of the church or the government to cater to those with an entitlement mentality.
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