Wait folks...don't actually hold the non-calvinists to their statements...or what they teach...or anything. It's not what they meant. When you discover this, then there'll be the rabbit trail given to get you off track.
When you provide proof per request? Well, then they'll want names, and will never look at the proof. Why not? Well, it proves you're correct, and that they are wrong. And I mean really, are they truly interested in the false teachings that come from within their own camp when proof is provided? Heavens sakes no. One would never actually go cut and paste actual quotes provided and find they are true.The focus is on scouring "Calvinist" replies. And it goes on and on and on.
And we have this:
"I believe the atonement applies to all men." "Then you're a universalist!" "No I'm not!" (Uh, yes actually you are)
"We Arminians believe God does the enabling, yeah yeah, THAT'S what we believe!" -to- "It is within mans ability." Uh, OK. :thumbs:
So we have a double whammy; They make a statement and deny their theological beliefs when you look at their teachings -or- They make a theological statement that tell you their beliefs, then they go back and deny what they said after you point out the errant theological position in it. Then? Well, no owning up to it, contrary to the thread stating Calvinists don't own up, but Arminians do. :laugh:
Same song different dance.
Then the pejoratives, that's a free side order.
None of these have actually addressed the OP, but, at the same time they've proven it to be true. This was inevitable.