AAARRGGGHHH!!!!! take it easy there humble, to my knowledge... I am the only Molinist on BB! Your questions are too poingnant, reasonable and well thought out. Throw me a frikkin bone here... Hello fellow followers of a 16th century Catholic theologian whose sole purpose was to fight the reformation!!! Where you at??
O.K. I will try, forgive me if my answers are not adequate:
Would you propose that God does not know that nothing could happen contrary to his foreknowledge?
No, the real hang-up for me is actually the word
COULD Seriously, that's all. Other than that, I agree with 90% of your premises. That is why I truly fear that you might think I am "creating divisions about strifes of words" or parsing words as I said before. I
HONESTLY believe that the difference between
will and
could is signifigant. It is the difference to me between a
necessary truth and a
contingent truth. Perhaps if I put it this way. God believes all true propositions and believes no false ones. Alternatively, God knows only and all true propositions. Now, let us take tense away from all propositions:
1.) Christ will die in a.d. 30 (future tense))
2.) Christ dies today (present tense)
3.) Christ died in a.d. 30 (past tense)
God knows all truths timelessly, thus what God knows is simply the proposition "Christ dies a.d. 30". Propositions
only exist in the present no?
Now, If God knows that it will not be the case, then why would you say that God does not also know that it could not be the case, especially since the 'will not' was a known truth before anything else actually occurred
I would say the difference is between something being
logically prior and something being
temporally prior. The actual propositional content of what it is that God knows is contingent upon what his free creatures will do in any given situation.
The interviewer, Kuhn, does a very good job.
LOL He does!!, secretly, I think he was acting like a lawyer and he already knew what WLC was going to say! I almost get the idea that it was a set-up wherein he either was a molinist himself, or he at least knew the questions to ask to get Craig to answer the questions Craig wanted to answer from the beginning. If it was a truly
organic interview so to speak then yes, he did a truly amazing job!!
It seems that that point is made in an effort to inflate the idea of 'balance', why else would it be so?. Since when would the idea of 'balance' have a substantial impact as to what truth is? I don't think you would disagree with me there.
I will answer this even though I am not positive I understand you. If you are asking me something to the effect of (in my words):
"Do you hold to this point of view largely and/or solely because this is the viewpoint that (in your opinion) answers the most questions you have and poses the least number of problems?"
Yes, absolutely....:tongue3: Is there a better reason to hold a particular point of view about something?? Remember, I have the unenviable task of reconciling a belief in individual pre-destination and election to Salvation and real libertarian free-will (or as normal people understand it) "free will". One must add the otherwise completely unnecessary modifiers of "real" and "libertarian" to the simple notion of "free will" in order to speak intelligibly to people who have grown accustomed to the redefinition and abuse of words that Calvinists generate. If that isn't what you were asking, I'm sorry Please elaborate
WOOT!! all hail the Hypers!
This is where I have a problem with what I take to be your view. Since it is the case that we are in a world in which there is at least one conscious human bearing His image, that will forever be tormented forever, then why would God, using middle knowledge, deliberate on a decision to create such a world? And to be sure, there are many more than just one in this world (more than half of all humans some would say!) that will experience a conscious eternal torment
I will (for now) although I could elaborate my view much more.... for the sake of brevity....
don't Open Theists have the same problem???? Don't all of us? The answer I would propose covers every Soteriological position, (well it covers Calvinism weakly) but that is the nature of the hateful God they worship. And decidedly, yes, it is much more than 50% We discuss that later maybe?
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
Very..... but I still am thinking it is accurate, at least as far as it goes. Unless I am mistaken, I think that you are still defining your position (as I am) I am not
dogmatically commited to my position, I don't think you are either.. "iron sharpeneth iron" no?????
Wikipedia defines time as: Time is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects.
As you already know, or will soon learn, admitting that Wiki was a source you looked up, (despite the general accuracy of much of its content) will allow the uninformed to conclude you don't know what you are talking about (even though all of us do it).
That being said: I actually do take issue with
their definition of time....
I am no authority on the topic but ... as far as I can tell there is an
equivocation on their part. I would (somewhat ignorantly) argue that they are
equivocating between our ability to
measure time and the ontological reality of time itself. I will simply stop here on this without answering the rest of your statement because we have covered too much ground already. Bring up the totality of your objections later
No matter what ones views are... if it doesn't make you think, nay,
FEEL like this... it simply is not of God....period.
Well, I would say that right at 'A.)' your premise fails... I would not say that there is "an infinite sequence of time". With this failed premise all that follows would therefore not necessarily apply, especially the conclusion. Time is not necessary for 'events' or 'sequence' to exist (I refer you to my comments above regarding the Trinity).
I have obviously misunderstood you then, because I thought I had you pinned down for the count, nailed to a wall and begging for mercy. Drat and Be-bother, I guess I must ask you to elaborate your position more then, because I had previously thought you a less worthy adversarry than you are.... c'mon...... you at least have Van working with you.... do I got no one? :laugh:
Ahhh! That's a great one! I wish I thought of that.
he he... yes I must admit... it was an ingenious move to honestly or dishonestly invoke Leibniz in whatever argument I was making... too bad... I thought of it first.... he is now in my column!!!:tongue3:
I really do enjoy your conversation HoS. Thank you.
Oh, and I yours.....THANK YOU!!!:1_grouphug: