Problem with that is: nobody "killed" the Owner's Son. he laid down His life "of Himself" the Bible says.
Here's the deal:
We are all born sinners. True, God is all powerful and He can decide to kill us all like ants if he wants. But thankfully God is not like that. What He CHOSE to do, was to offer the life of His only begotten son as the sacrifice for all sinners. Jesus' blood was sufficient for every sin and every sinner. His power, his knowledge, his love and His salvation is not limited. So to keep you from going to Hell, all He asks is that you believe on His Son as the propitiation for your sins. "ONLY believe" the Bible says. But wait!! Is that weak? No sir. If you refuse His Son, He will cast you into the Lake of Fire for all eternity for refusing His boundless love and Grace. Your fault, your choice.
On the other hand, if someone says that the God of the Bible predetermined only certain ones for Hell, yeah that would be His prerogative IF....IF God wanted to. But that is not the character and intent of the God of the Bible. That would be twisting His Holy Word into something it doesn't say.