Dave G
Well-Known Member
He gave us free will.Thids allowe us to sin in the first place. He wants us to obey Him in that free will. Our choice not a robot decision.
why would a choice be made to elect when all souls are His?
Sin darkened our natures...we choose to sin and love it ( Romans 1:18-32 ).
God doesn't make robots ( Romans 2:1-11 ).
Man hates Jesus Christ and will not come to Him because we love our sin, and hate Him for commanding our repentance ( John 3:19-20 )
Election is a fact of Scripture ( Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:4-5, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14, Psalm 65:4 )
I am sure you will agree Salvation is a choice to be made by the sinner in free will.
With respect, no, I'm afraid I don't, and I abandoned that way of thinking over 15 years ago when God started showing me the details of how and why He saved me. To me, Scripture very clearly teaches that He changed my heart ( the seat of my spiritual desires and affections ) at 12 years old, and changed my will towards Him in the process. Out of that changed will, I then chose to believe His words and follow His Son.

But it wasn't always clear to me, and nothing was done against my will except for my desires to be changed. In other words, my sin nature was changed and my will then followed suit.
May God bless you sir.
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