If you are an American you know
exactly how it will be implemented. It will become a Progressive sacrament.
Single-payer is confiscatory. Socialism is not hard to understand. The government will distribute those things it deems necessary to its citizens. The government will also wield more control over citizens. It can dispense or restrict individual benefits based on how citizens behave. Not towing the statist line? Fewer benefits for you!
If only saying it makes it so. American health care should be totally free market-based. Insurance across state lines. More medical sharing organizations like Medi-Share. More
direct primary care services that operate on a monthly fee. Less regulation by the FDA. Never, never, never put a bureaucrat between a patient and his doctor.
Implementing a complete market-based approach to health care will allow the consumer to control which medical services they want or need. That is much different than a bureaucrat telling you what you can and cannot do. There is no liberty when the government takes over.
Read my previous statement.
Instead of trying to find a socialized plan that will work, try to unrestricted free market. It works every time.
I have faith in my spiritual beliefs. I have no faith in human government. None at all.