Single-payer is not inherently evil. It depends upon how it is implemented.
I wonder that quite often when I read posts from some of our brothers and sisters here.
Single-payer is not inherently socialist, although the word "socialist" has pretty much lost most of its meaning since it is used so recklessly in today's political discourse.
Our government already pays more for healthcare than just about any other nation in the world - including single-payer countries. Single-payer actually has the ability (if it is implemented correctly) to improve health and bring down costs due to efficiency and earlier intervention into health issues that turn into extremely expensive major diseases.
All healthcare is rationed. Period. It is either rationed by one's ability to pay, by a hospital that will only treat the uninsured to a level where they are stabilized, or to the level your insurance company will pay.
The claim of "rationing" doesn't have much weight since it is already rationed.
You bring up a good point. In the aftermath of World War II, the US provided most of the serious defense of both Europe and Japan as a consequence of the impoverishment of those nations after the war, and the Soviet threat. As those nations found their economic footing once again and they rebuilt their social structures, they were in the enviable position of being able to divert a significant amount of financial resources toward improving the health of their citizens through medical care.
However, those things have been changing and Europe is still providing reasonably good healthcare - with good outcomes - for their citizens. At the same time, the European model is not the only model. We could adopt a model that provides a single-payer safety net for persons who are critically ill/injured (for instance, for health expenses more than $100,000 for a person per incident) while retaining private insurance for all expenses below $100,000. That will allow a certain level of freedom to choose the level of care you need for normal issues and average surgeries and incidents under a reasonable private insurance payment without bankrupting everyone and their children in the event of a major health crisis. The risk of private insurers would go down tremendously, and so would the cost of the policies under a free market system.
Not if things are implemented properly.
Why do you think non-"progressives" will not have any political status or be able to convince anyone else to vote with them if any form of single-payer insurance is implemented? Don't you have faith in the veracity of your own beliefs?
Hardly. People are talking about considering single-payer and you are strangely talking about bondage.