I don't disagree...
I found nothing inspiring about the video. I don't care what the nation was. I care about what it is... and the only word that comes to my mind is "infanticide". I hope we wouldn't call America Christian when so many babies are being sacrificed to the god of America---the individualistic, materialistic self.
I am getting sick of right-wing Christians who are proud to be American (ignoring 1 Cor. 1:31) and equating that w/ Christian values. Patriotism does not equal spiritual discipleship. If anything, America has become the empire that the Roman empire became and Revelation polemicized against.
If you are offended... just know I am restraining my true feelings. The rhetoric I would use for the USA is much more harsh but not permitted on this board.
....in fact I as much said what you said ... it is sick what politicians, corrupt business, and liberal citizens have turned this nation into!
We've stood by while prayer was removed from schools. We've applauded the right for people to have and se freedom of speech only to turn that around and sue us for having a cross on the city hall. We've become believers and supporters of the need to tolerate anyone and anything, and being politically correct is of utmost importance.
Sure, a nation can't be Christian any more than a building can be a church, or a denomination can be Christ like! Christianity is a relationship, and only humans; individuals can gain that kind of recognition with God. God does not necessarily anoint a nation, but rather the people that make up or compose the whole of the nation!
So in that respect, America could have once been, as a whole, a Christian nation. Even so, like you said, it is not even close to being in the ball park of anything Christ like in the last hundred years, and it continues to deteriorate at a scar, rapid pace!
We are at least on course to being in the same shape Rome found itself in, and a major fall is inevitable!
So did you offend me, NO. You are merely speaking the truth, like I did at the onset of my OP!