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As an American and a Believer....


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I have no objection to saying there were Christians and Christians influences in the founding of this country, but that is not the same as being a Christian nation. Which is what the Fortune writer was said, especially in the last paragraph.

Would say that it wasfounded by those who advocated Christian ideals and principles, wantedto have us governed by them, even if not Christians!


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I am sure CBT and C4K are way above average in intelligence and did not miss the point of the video.
What this way below average in intelligence poster called pinoybaptist gathered is that he was not saying that every individual American is Christian and every individual key politician who founded this nation were Christian, but that everywhere one goes, specially in DC, one sees signs and indications that this country was basically founded along Christian principles.
Maybe the same thing as one sees when one goes to countries like Malaysia and Kuwait, or even Indonesia.
Not everyone in those countries are fervently practicing fundamental Islam but there is no mistaking the Islamic roots one sees and feels all around.
That said, I would rather have a president who acknowledges the Christian principles on which this country stands, whther rightly or wrongly, unapologetically, rather than the current limp wrist at the white house whose speech that the United States of America is not a Christian nation is part of his "apologies" on behalf of the United States.

It's not a Christian principle to call the President of the United States names.:thumbs:

Whether or not this is a Christian nation saves no one. Men and women of God, don't lose focus.:1_grouphug:


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See, I was trying to be nice - but this attitude that somehow patriotism (of the red, white, and blue variety of course) is somehow akin to godliness is something I have a huge issue with. There is no connection.

:thumbs::applause: This is again why I say for Christians to stay focused. If part of the country wants to believe this is not a Christian nation while part believes it is, so what?

Preach the GOSPEL and point people to Christ instead of getting bogged down on side issues.


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It's not a Christian principle to call the President of the United States names.:thumbs:

Whether or not this is a Christian nation saves no one. Men and women of God, don't lose focus.:1_grouphug:

So we are not allowed to voice our displeasure of him for advocating most anti christian administartion regarding policies of any US president then?


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So we are not allowed to voice our displeasure of him for advocating most anti christian administartion regarding policies of any US president then?

Policy disagreement is not the same as name calling.

I have done my share of name calling, finally came to the conclusion that it is poor reflection of me. Trying to be and do better.


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:thumbs::applause: This is again why I say for Christians to stay focused. If part of the country wants to believe this is not a Christian nation while part believes it is, so what?

Preach the GOSPEL and point people to Christ instead of getting bogged down on side issues.

Christians called to do BOTH preach/live/teach jesus, but also to influence and bring chrsitian values/standards into society/culture, to be the preserving salt and light!

Christianity has been used by god to save sinners, AND to grant freedom from slavery, and to make society better, so need to keep that going!


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Would say that it wasfounded by those who advocated Christian ideals and principles, wantedto have us governed by them, even if not Christians!

Not entirely. I would say the biggest concern was freedom to govern themselves. It was inevitable that they would rely on their Christian upbringing, wouldn't expect anything different. But they also understood that there had to be room for dissent, that not everyone thought exactly like them.

No doubt they would be surprised by some of the "advances" we have made, but I don't think they would surprised it doesn't look exactly like they left it. They did include the amendment process after all.
What? I don't come to the conclusion this is a Christian nation.
So you didn't write this?
... but that is not the same as being a Christian nation. Which is what the Fortune writer was said, especially in the last paragraph.
I note, I didn't say you came to that conclusion. I said you claimed the writer came to that conclusion. Obviously he didn't.

And yet once again, It's FORBES!!
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Policy disagreement is not the same as name calling.

I have done my share of name calling, finally came to the conclusion that it is poor reflection of me. Trying to be and do better.

problem is that if you say aything bad about policy/agenda, labeled "hate black people, wish you had a white Pres!"


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It is a Christian nation because the guiding principles of the founders and of the vast majority of its people today is the Christianity of the Bible.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Rethink that one. Do you honestly believe that the "vast majority" of Americans are under the guiding principles of the Christianity of the Bible?


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I don't care what the nation was. I care about what it is... and the only word that comes to my mind is "infanticide". I hope we wouldn't call America Christian when so many babies are being sacrificed to the god of America---the individualistic, materialistic self.

I am getting sick of right-wing Christians who are proud to be American (ignoring 1 Cor. 1:31) and equating that w/ Christian values. Patriotism does not equal spiritual discipleship. If anything, America has become the empire that the Roman empire became and Revelation polemicized against.



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WE have pushed God, prayer, and the real American history out of schools no wonder we are slaughtering unborn children. We need to get back to our roots.


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Rethink that one. Do you honestly believe that the "vast majority" of Americans are under the guiding principles of the Christianity of the Bible?

Can't answer for TND, but in another thread kyredneck claims there are 65 million dispy evangelical Zionists. That's a great start, don't cha think?


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What do think the population of America is now --about 315 million? Let's say 100 million are over 18. I haven't checked yet. The "vast majority" would have to be in the vicinity of 90 million or so. In my estimation we barely have a simple majority of 51 million.

There are more Christians in China than America. But they wouldn't constitute a majority here in any sense of the word.


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I'm still on this theme of what constitutes a "vast majority" of Americans being Christian. I looked at Wikipedia. There are more than 317 million Americans. About 236 million are over 20 years of age. Various surveys over the years yield different results when asked if citizens go to church regularly (Protestant churches). But let's be optimistic. If half go to church regularly, that would be 118 million people. Does anyone think that the "vast majority" of them --about 100 million, are actually Christians? When direct questions are asked regarding the Incarnation,Resurrection,Deity of Christ, reality of Heaven and Hell etc. --The numbers drop considerably. No,emphatically no. Most Americans are certainly not Christian. That is,unless one would want to employ a very elastic meaning to the word which differs from biblical doctrine.


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But let's be optimistic. If half go to church regularly, that would be 118 million people. Does anyone think that the "vast majority" of them --about 100 million, are actually Christians? When direct questions are asked regarding the Incarnation,Resurrection,Deity of Christ, reality of Heaven and Hell etc. --The numbers drop considerably. No,emphatically no. Most Americans are certainly not Christian.

You're over analyzing this. TND did not say the vast majority of Americans are Christians, he said they are living under Christian principles of governance. The Constitution and most laws have a basis in the 10 commandments or the Golden Rule. That's all he was saying.


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I don't disagree...

I found nothing inspiring about the video. I don't care what the nation was. I care about what it is... and the only word that comes to my mind is "infanticide". I hope we wouldn't call America Christian when so many babies are being sacrificed to the god of America---the individualistic, materialistic self.

I am getting sick of right-wing Christians who are proud to be American (ignoring 1 Cor. 1:31) and equating that w/ Christian values. Patriotism does not equal spiritual discipleship. If anything, America has become the empire that the Roman empire became and Revelation polemicized against.

If you are offended... just know I am restraining my true feelings. The rhetoric I would use for the USA is much more harsh but not permitted on this board.

....in fact I as much said what you said ... it is sick what politicians, corrupt business, and liberal citizens have turned this nation into!

We've stood by while prayer was removed from schools. We've applauded the right for people to have and se freedom of speech only to turn that around and sue us for having a cross on the city hall. We've become believers and supporters of the need to tolerate anyone and anything, and being politically correct is of utmost importance.

Sure, a nation can't be Christian any more than a building can be a church, or a denomination can be Christ like! Christianity is a relationship, and only humans; individuals can gain that kind of recognition with God. God does not necessarily anoint a nation, but rather the people that make up or compose the whole of the nation!

So in that respect, America could have once been, as a whole, a Christian nation. Even so, like you said, it is not even close to being in the ball park of anything Christ like in the last hundred years, and it continues to deteriorate at a scar, rapid pace!

We are at least on course to being in the same shape Rome found itself in, and a major fall is inevitable!

So did you offend me, NO. You are merely speaking the truth, like I did at the onset of my OP!


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So you didn't write this?I note, I didn't say you came to that conclusion. I said you claimed the writer came to that conclusion. Obviously he didn't.

And yet once again, It's FORBES!!

Yes, Forbes not Fortune, my mistake

He said in the last paragraph that it wasn't.

"America wasn’t founded as a Christian nation and many of our beloved Forefathers sadly were not, yet America was largely comprised of Believers. Liberty allows us to worship freely or not at all per conscience. America was never meant to be theocratic or homogenous religiously, but Christianity has always been indelible to our social fabric.

I guess I'm missing your point


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If I left you with the impression that the article was advocating for America was founded as a Christian nation, I apologize for my failure to communicate my point. I agree with you that the article was fairly well balanced.