My first baptist church also held that view.I honestly fail to understand your argument. The pre millennial view is a fundamental of my personal faith. And has been, since both independent Baptist churches when I had joined them were pre millennial in their statements of faith. Just saying.
It took me a few years to understand the view.
I liked that it attempted to make sense of the whole bible.
As a new Christian there are many things to learn.
You assume because you went to 2 churches that taught that view that it alone is the correct view?
Every biblical Christian believes in the visible bodily return of Jesus.That is fundamental.
The view you hold is the new kid on the block.
I do not think you can give an accurate description of the other views based on your inability to deal with the passages offered here.
You see that several passages use identical language,
but you do not identify where they differ.
Because you assume the premill ideas to be"fundamental" cannot grasp how the same verses can be similar, yet differ.
A person does not modify or change a view, until it is challenged scripturally.
That is what happened to me and many others.
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