Well-Known Member
My statement is that you cannot dictate the belief of another person and when confronted about false representation declare that is the other’s opinion.
Actually I can. You say things that contradict yourself.
That is called being a "false witness" because what you advocate something that you know to be false (you know it because I told you what I believe). It is a sin (an immoral act which is contrary to God’s moral law).
No, that is giving my honest observations. That is not a sin and I am highly offended by the statement and honestly you should have action taken against you.
When we sin we make the choice to sin. You can choose to be honest, or you can choose to be dishonest. I told you what I believe. You claim I do not believe what I say I believe. I say that is neither true (because it is false) or fair (because you cannot prescribe the belief of another). You say that is my opinion to which you disagree.
I am being very honest. You have made contradicting statements. What I said is absolutely true. 1. Your logic is nonsense. 2. You have to do gymnastics to make it work in biblical interpretation. 3. You define justice on your own terms. Which part of that is not true? You are the one bearing false witness against me.
When someone prescribes a belief to another person, foreign to what that person actually believes, it could be a mistake. But when the other person corrects the misguided, and the misguided continues to insist he is correct then it is no longer a mistake. It is an intentional sin.
You didn't correct anything that I actually said. No it is not intentional sin. You are way out of line.