There are many causes for a person to be found in overwhelmingly insurmountable debt.
There are not...there is ONE CASE...only one, namely, demanding or acquiring the property or services of someone else on credit while also being incapable or unwilling to pay for it. That is a breach of contract and is therefore sin.
Is free... I've never owed anyone money in order to become sick or ill. Sickness costs nothing.
Is also free.
Costs nothing.
Also free..............
I just took my sister-in-law on a ride on my motorcycle....
I dropped it!!!

It cost me $0.000 to have that accident.
Since I felt I should purchase medical services for the wounds she sustained in that accident...
I'm now out a few bucks (about $2,000.00 worth)......but the accident was free.
Please define what "accident" means as far as a word which renders one non-liable for paying for honest services rendered to repair any possible damage sustained therein. I am not seeing the point.
B.T.W....if MORE people actually bothered to PAY for medical services...then it wouldn't be so expensive for those of us who
actually pay what we owe.
It's people like Sapper and I who pay to make up for people like
YOU........who apparently
refuse to pay the medical bills you acquire. They charge people, like Sapper and I, who actually pay the bills
MORE because they are cognizant of thieves who
refuse to pay their bills. I'm personally sick of paying astronomical medical bills because people refuse to pay them. It's
killing my family.
Cancer is often a sickness that will take every resource from a family and leave them totally destitute
No it isn't...Cancer is free. It costs no one money to have cancer.
A one person business owner who is injured or by accident is unable to fulfill a contract is liable and can be "taken to the cleaners."
As is perfectly fair. A one-man business incapable of paying what he owes is still liable for his/her debts. You make no Biblical point yet.
What part does the assembly play in bankruptcy of one of the faithful?
Possibly, they should help him or her to pay their debts....
they should consider anathema any thieves who scream "bankruptcy" when that person refuses to pay what they owe for goods or services rendered.
Why is it that a believer is not surrounded by such support, that folks are left with no other option?
Because the assemblies are equally as wicked as those who demand the government absolve them of debt that they don't think there is any NEED to help that person.
Why should they come to the rescue of their own????
Their own can simply steal from another with "Bankruptcy" Laws...
Why bother?
You can't insist on the one hand that financial difficulty can be removed by appealing to bankruptcy, and ALSO appeal to some demand that the Assembly help it's members out of their debt....
Make your choice:
My that members pay what they owe...and the assembly does what they can to help one another do just that. But, you can't have it both ways.
Is the assembly so weak that it cannot sit on the ash heap with that person and offer Godly support in a substantial way?
Yes, you are encouraging the Assembly to go "Bankrupt". Aren't you aware of what you are preaching?
Has the assembly gone bankrupt?
you had your way...yes.
Sapper has his way..... no.
When should an assembly step up, and when should the assembly be held as accountable by God for not sharing in the pain of one of its own?
As soon as the members of that assembly are willing to
own up to and pay the debts that they owe...
Good grief

.... this is so elementary. :sleep:
When does the assembly loose the right to proclaim the blessing of giving when one of their own is in desperate need?
When the "ones in need" think that it is perfectly Biblical to simply welch on all their debts and refuse to pay them. At that point, I imagine, the assembly is as free to welch on debt as anyone of it's members are.
Who would take even from their own needs to give to one who is in more need?
Many Godly people would...I've seen it
SCORES of times. God's people are WONDERFUL!
Paul reflects that the churches throughout the world gave to meet the needs of the assembly in Jerusalem.
Yes they did...what Paul did not do, is tell the believers at Jerusalem to welch on their honest debts and refuse to honestly pay them.............he had other believers help them. I fail to see how this helps your argument.
Is this not then showing that ALL believers should help - cross assembly lines - those believers in need?
Of course it is...
But that's not what you want to argue..
You aren't arguing that believers should help the needy (specifically their own) want to argue that believers should fail to pay their debts which are honestly owed. Those are two different arguments, and conflating the two won't fly.
No they aren't...they are really quite easy. Not complicated in the least.
and I find that even bringing rebuke to my own living.
You should only feel rebuke if you insist on welching on your debts. Otherwise, there is nothing to rebuke you for.
How much are we more like Ananias and Sapphira in that we claim to "give all" and yet keep a portion back?
Not much at all.
Different scenario:
They belonged to the Assembly at Jerusalem,
that Assembly held "all in common".
They were partakers,
they were literally stealing from the congregation and other members.
It's completely irrelevant.