We know that thsdcriptures are always 'the word of th Lord" to others, how do you know your words are?
It's difficult to explain, but I'll give it a shot:
(1) Because they are not my words. They are things I have not thought of, nor things I have known.
(2) They often address things that others have been praying about, or secrets that I cannot know. God uses them to confirm something to the other person.
(3) They have power and are effective. I can often feel the sensation of power going out of me are I speak them and they bring transformation to the ones who hear them.
(4) They are often tied to unexpected (by me) encounters with people that turn to the gospel message of Jesus to become His disciple.
The most recent event happened about 10 days ago. I was talking to a long-time close acquaintance who is a hostile atheist. We were talking about a matter of mutual concern and suddenly I was talking about the corruption of sin upon the world - definitely a topic that would usually shut down conversation with him - and how that extends to personal brokenness and responsibility toward God. It was completely out of the blue to me, but the words were flowing with power and compassion and I continued explaining the call of Jesus to personal transformation and world transformation through the Kingdom of God. I also explained the reality of the coming Final Judgment where Jesus will set everything right and destroy evil (and those who do evil) so that we can live together and with God in harmony and righteousness.
The whole time I was surprised, but the words kept coming with a power and a graciousness that does not originate in me. My friend was quite teary-eyed and quiet - obviously moved deeply - but could not respond the way he wanted to deep down because of pride, fear and anger. He quietly told me that he "doesn't believe that," but his words were hallow and our conversation ended shortly after. I think he will be coming to faith within the next three years or so, probably sooner.
As a bit of background, about 12 years ago God told me that this person was going to be redeemed and that I don't need to worry about him in prayer anymore - just watch, wait and be obedient. Through the last dozen years, I have seen a number of life events occur that are slowly pushing him toward the grace of God. There have been two incidents where someone he loves was at the verge of death in the hospital (one of them was his wife) and he called me to ask me to have "good thoughts" (that is, pray for) that person. In both instances, I prayed for that situation and the loved one immediately recovered. Now that's not me doing anything, that's the power of God being released in his life and I am only the representative of the life of the Kingdom to him. I have been a faithful witness to him and lived my life before him for about 35 years, so he naturally looks to me for a Christian perspective.
This kind of thing is not an everyday occurrence, but it also is not terribly unusual. When you are committed to Kingdom of God work and you have a theology that is open to God speaking and working through you, then you live in expectation that God will use you to make a difference, just like as described in scripture.