You quote me and then you proceed as if I had something something contrary to what I posted.I grant that the Lord has preserved His own through the ages. However, His own would not necessarily correspond with what present day Baptists adhere.
Bro. James replied:
This implies that Jesus has not been able to preserve His Bride without spot or blemish or any such thing. He promised to never leave Her nor forsake Her.
The gates of hell have not prevailed. She is still here, pillar and ground of The Truth.
Read carefully. The Lord has and shall preserve His own through the ages. But His own --the elect --the Church is composed of Baptists only. And since Baptists come in so many different flavors --some downright heretical --all Baptists are not among the elect.
Will you be surprised that Presbyterians, Plymouth Brethren, Evangelical Free and others outside the Baptist fold are among His own? Don't be blind or puffed up that you are Baptist as if they can do no wrong.