Someone has said that because a mod doesn't take a full-on Calvinistic stance that it offends some here.
Well that certainly is not the case. It doesn't offend Calvinists that non-Calvinistic views are expressed here. What is offensive is that a mod gets to use Galations 1:8,9 to condemn those with a Calvinistic view of the Scripture. (And 2 Cor. 11:4 by implication.)
If one reads Galatians 1:8,9 carefully they would conclude that someone has distorted the Gospel so radically that they are under the curse of God --eternally condemned. Do you non-Calvinistic folks think that we are preaching a false Gospel? Dr. Bob is one of the few (mainly the only mod/admin here these days. But Larry and Tom Vols, no longer participating, are full-fledged Calvinists. Are they under the ban of Gal.1:8,9? Was Whitefild, Spurgeon, D-M-L-J, James Boice? Is MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, James White and Mark Dever?
Seriously now. To place Calvinists under the eternal curse of God is a disgraceful thing to say. It's absolutely false and inflammatory too. Sincere repentance is needed from those who think they can wield that club with impunity.
It is downright dishonest to claim that that incredibly false charge does not break BB rules.
Well that certainly is not the case. It doesn't offend Calvinists that non-Calvinistic views are expressed here. What is offensive is that a mod gets to use Galations 1:8,9 to condemn those with a Calvinistic view of the Scripture. (And 2 Cor. 11:4 by implication.)
If one reads Galatians 1:8,9 carefully they would conclude that someone has distorted the Gospel so radically that they are under the curse of God --eternally condemned. Do you non-Calvinistic folks think that we are preaching a false Gospel? Dr. Bob is one of the few (mainly the only mod/admin here these days. But Larry and Tom Vols, no longer participating, are full-fledged Calvinists. Are they under the ban of Gal.1:8,9? Was Whitefild, Spurgeon, D-M-L-J, James Boice? Is MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, James White and Mark Dever?
Seriously now. To place Calvinists under the eternal curse of God is a disgraceful thing to say. It's absolutely false and inflammatory too. Sincere repentance is needed from those who think they can wield that club with impunity.
It is downright dishonest to claim that that incredibly false charge does not break BB rules.
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