Icon, you should know that if one did an extensive search of your posts (as Rippon did with mine) that one could find many posts that are inaccurate and have misrepresented the views of others. Agreed?
It is one thing for a person to sometimes mis-read a post, and over react based on that...before clarification is made
[I would like to see a live chat room available} that might eliminate many of the misunderstandings and strawmen...
Now look at what Rippon has posted. He has to go back to 2005 and 2008 to find some statement which he thinks is inaccurate or a misrepresentation. Even if true, that is a post or two after nine years of posting here, and he brings it up now!! See the records that he keeps!
Rippon has a gift to recall, and take careful notes on both church history ,doctrine, timelines etc...that I surely lack...I am glad he backs up his p.o.v.....even if not all agree with his understanding....I personally enjoy both his posting and Archangel as they offer substance...even if it annoys those who are the object of their sharp posts....
We are not talking about a thread that existed in 2005 nine years ago.
It is true that a person can change, grow, and modify his or her position over time...especially 9 yrs ago....However....it is informative that you look as if you have resisted many a fine post since then...as even today you double down on your attack upon cals and their biblical position.
Why should you then be surprised that when you are directly answered, or caught in falsehoods , or caricatures...that you get a strong reaction?
We are speaking of a thread that was brought to the front just this week. It has relevance to us now, not nine or ten years ago.
I think you asked him to back up his post...HE DID.....
I back up the statement I made
You are doing damage control, however the horse is out of the barn.if you are going to make such accusations...post more carefully because it looks like lying and cover up is going on.....this is not the first time:thumbsup:
Do this for me. Put "New Calvinism" into a search engine like google, and see what you come up with. Then analyze what I said.
I am not a fan or a total enemy of "new Calvinism".....I am not a fan of Pentecostalism, or kjo, or many other things.....I am aware of them, and would like to see some good come out of them despite the error.
I will not defend those in that movement as described....I have not looked at it much because as soon as I hear error by some of it's leaders....even those who claim to hold the 5 pts.....I have to distance myself from them....
If you re-read this thread...somewhere you linked the primitive Baptists as CALs....and yet...they reject being identified that way.....
You must maintain the distinctions and not broad brush if you are being critical.
Perhaps you might want to start with the first thing that pops up:
At first glance I agree with much of the link you posted here...I just saved it and will go over it . I have many of the same objections..
If you had presented this link in the first place...you might be surprised that many of us[ I do not speak for the other brothers] would be in agreement.....this might be an instructive and helpful link worthy of discussion.....