Calvinists should identify themselves AS CALVINISTS to pulpit committees?
Because unnecessary splits are caused by it. Calvinism is (to date) a relatively new surging has started with (largely) young seminarians and not specifically within the ranks of the tithers or donators or 35-year founding members of many Baptist Churches.
MANY SBC Churches started 50 years or so ago have been (and always were) essentially and ENTIRELY "Arminian" in their beliefs...They are honestly UNAWARE of the fact that their Pulpit Commitees should even ask young new Seminarians that question:
Two things here:
1.) I actually blame the "Arminians" for the failure to teach their Churches (by-and-large) the differring points of view. Provided they had done so, this may be a non-issue. But, they haven't. However, you can't claim that the "Best Church-planters" your "Let the best Theology Win thread" thread is the issue...if you are objecting to Arminians refusing the Pastoral leadership of Calvinists...
2.) You CAN'T have it BOTH ways...if your young Calvinist Seminary grads have no marketable skills, and need someone to feed them...Then they need to beg their bread from the hard-working Denizens of more "Calvinist" Churches (who are often more likely to dig the "elder-rule" idea and not pay professionals as much).
The denomination is open to Calvinism.
It is....But, as you know...there are Arminians who are beginning to object to this.
Calvinism has ALWAYS been present in the denomination and at points it has been the predominate view. doesn't (logically anyway) derive an "ought" from an "is" "is" the case that that has always been so..but, some are beginning to feel that that was not a perfect idea.
Should Arminians have had to identify themselves 125 years ago when Calvinism was the predominate view point?
R. G. Lee was a Calvinist who made Belvue Baptist Church great. Should Dr. Adrian Rogers who followed him a couple pastorates later have been up front in the pulpit committee meeting and say, "Now before you consider me, I just want you to know that my theology is the DEAD LEVEL OPPOSITE of R. G. Lee's theology,"?
In PRECISELY the way you phrased it...not EXACTLY....but, Pretty-Close...yes.
Should all ARMINIAN (except for the eternal security doctrine) pastors say, "Before you vote on me, I think you should know that my theology is VASTLY different from great Baptists like William Carey, Charles Spurgeon, W. A. Criswell, R. G. Lee, etc... I think you should know that my theology is VASTLY different from that of the first and largest Southern Baptist Seminary. I think you should know that my theology is VERY different from the theology of the Great Awakening
This is a hybrid form of statement designed to create something of an Argument from consequences and an Argument from Authority at the same time...It's Brilliantly constructed, but, nothing doing...I'll still essentially say, YES, they should.
which saved Baptist life in America and made Baptists one of the largest Christian movements IN America,"?
This is probably somewhat debateable....I must honestly and humbly suggest that Wesly helped only a wee-tad.
Should they?
If we applied this "principle" that some of you articulate about Calvinists needing to wear a scarlet "C" on their chests when they come to pulpit committee meetings;
No-one has
exactly suggested a "Scarlett 'C'" (wouldn't hurt)...but it's when one applies for a job...not attends committee meetings.
Well, Obviously, you are being somewhat hyperbolic with the way you frame your argument...but you are attempting to use this as a literary sort of device to drive home to us the suggestion you are trying to make...I get your point. You aren't wrong for doing so...but let me describe the situation briefly for you from our POV:
For 80-100 years THOUSANDS of essentially Arminian churches have been planted, nurtured and built by....Arminians. MANY of them...are simply un-aware of the entire Arm/Cal debate. They honestly
believe that pretty much everyone assumes that man possesses freedom of will, and that Jesus Christ DIED for EVERYONE. To deny (you have to admit) pretty serious.
Despite the stupidity of can't (nor should you) "believe like a Calvinist and Preach like an Arminian" [Or however he stated it].
It would be dis-ingenuous.
In a is the fault of Arminians that many Churches (whom they were responsible for teaching) simply are utterly uninformed of the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism....
However, you must understand that Arminians see belief in the freedom of human will as a
"Properly Basic" belief...<---By that I mean the serious Epistomological position as described by Plantinga. They would automatically
ASSUME that everyone accepts these notions. They see it as
self-evidently did
you before you became a Calvinist.
Too many of these young Seminary Grads (ironically, saved, raised, called and taught) in Armininian Churches...go to a Para-Church organization (an SBC Seminary is one by definition) sometimes, they are given stipends by those same Arminian attend them:
And then said young grad becomes convinced as a still somewhat acne-challenged 24-year-old...of all of the tenents of Calvinism in a Seminary, and when he applies at said Church (with no marketable skills in the real world)...they don't ask him about what they percieve to be a self-evident and properly basic truth...(Namely that man possesses free will).
Slowly, he, with his passion and energy grows the church (kinda)...but his TRUE beliefs begin to surface, namely, that Jesus REALLY doesn't love a LOT of people, and that it pleases him that there be countless millions who burn in Hell...
There then become those in the congregation who begin to object to such notions...but, at the same time, having a new and enthusiastic and energetic Pastor under the age of 155 (as most Baptist Pastors are) tempting to retain...Thus, given a few years..a split occurs...and I promise you...NONE of those young men volunteered the fact that they learned in Seminary that Jesus had NO intention of saving MILLIONS of people...
Maybe, Arms and Cals should part ways in the SBC...I vaguely doubt you'd let me teach at will in your church.
if we applied that to "noncals" for the past 150 years for pastoral candidacy- I think "non-cal" would be almost non-existent within SBC ranks.
If true..(and it may be) this demonstrates that Calvinists were foolish to allow so much Arminian incurssion for 150 years...maybe, you guys were merely as asleep at the wheel as Arms are now. I wonder if this discussion happened about 85-100 years ago as it does now? There's a good subject for a young Neo-Calvie Doctoral Candidate no?
But it is a little under-handed to want to apply it NOW when two things are conveniently (for non-cals) true:
#1- Arminianism is the predominate view among Southern Baptists
#2- Calvinism is surging.
Can you not see the almost crookedness of this "principle" non-cals claim should be applied?
I DO appreciate where you are coming from, inasmuch as BOTH your point #1 and #2 are TRUE...
I don't blame you for your angst....
My solution though, you won't's let them part ways and wish one another the best
You, I think, don't want that.
LOVE you brother...and I'm beginning to think the
WORLD of you...but, it is the case that sound teaching is indeed CRITICAL in Christ's Churches....I dunno, not yet committed to the idea, but maybe a peacable split is the best would hurt, one of my best friends was raised in my "Arminian" Church and is a brilliant attendee of an Associated Reformed Church...which has NOTHING but RAVE reviews from EVERYONE in our entire county. They even hosted an Association meeting on their grounds... But the consequences of those Soteriological ideas are indeed FAR reaching
I HATE the notion of the SBC splitting

I really do...but would just work? is best to have the Point of view you presently seem to, which is that perfect felowship within associated Churches is possible regardless of whether they be more Arminian or Calvinist...I honestly hope so. I do, But, on the local level...a candidate should be VERY forthright.
Dunno brother, throwing it out there, and I am LITERALLY tearing up as I do so.