I have Dr. Bob's Eleven Simple Rules memorized, thank you.
When I said
, "They just changed the 'bible' from that representing Christianity, to another religion. Gnosticism, if you like, or Anti-Christ Occultism", I was mostly interested in the 'religion' that the modern versions are intended to be a bridge to, (is what I had in mind) rather than calling the modern versions 'bibles' themselves already fully Anti-Christ Occultism.
The modern versions are intended to be a 'bridge', between Apostate Christianity and the Occult. That is why the supposedly 'older' manuscripts reserviced from the Occult Underground, where they had lain for some time, not bothering anybody.
They haven't fully had time and opportunity, yet, for them to be accurately called absolutely and utterly Gnostic or Anti-Christ Occultism.
More changes to be made. My bad.
In my mind, I can post this cut and paste can't I?
Maybe you'd like to.
I don't see how a soul can say they are saved without cutting and pasting all over creation.
I don't see how a soul can say they are saved without cutting and pasting all over creation.
"Satanic", "demons", "Satan", "Lucifer", and "Anti-Christ" are just proper nouns being used in the narrative quoted and not as some random name-calling, to me.
You're the legalist. You tell me.
That's all you've got? Legalism? Hyper-extended, at that.
That's one more Cult or Occult type category I'm hoping for deliverance from, like here:
Precious-Testimonies.com - Deliverance From New Age - Occult - Cults - Legalism
Undeniable: The Satanic infiltration of Churches (Westcott & Hort and BEYOND)
"Westcott and Hort dabbled with the occult and communicating with spirits, and had a club called the "Ghostly Guild", which included a man named Lightfoot, who created a Lexicon to support their new Greek Text.
"This club became the "Society for Psychical Research", who interviewed the founder of the Satanic religion of Theosophy, Helena P. Blavatsky (Sublime Elect Scotch Lady, Masonic Patent issued by John Yarker), and were favorably impressed with her.
"Theosophy involves channeling demons through a process called "automatic writing", from which they receive their instructions which have since been championed at the world government level at the UN, through Blavatsky's protégé Alice Bailey, who founded Lucifer Trust Publishing (since changed to "Lucius Trust"), which is held in high regard by the UN.
"Blavatsky believed she was reviving the ancient Mystery Religions of Babylon, essentially the original religion of Satan that split into the world religions today: all of the fundamental aspects of which, such as dualism, survived in Hinduism (different gods over dualistic aspects of nature), Buddhism (yin yang), Islam (sun and moon), etc.
"The original source of this was Nimrod and Semiramis, who originally became allegorized as the sun and moon.
"At the First Annual Congress of the Theosophical Society, which took place around 1900 (the same time Westcott and Hort's new versions were just entering churches), the original transactions of which states, quote, "I believe it is through the churches, and NOT through the Theosophical Society, that Theosophy [the worship of Lucifer] must and should come to large bodies of people...
"The work of destructive criticism [Westcott & Hort's Textual Criticism / Critical Text] and has paved the way, sweeping away certain passages that grate on the ears: the phrase '
washed in the blood' is one. "
"This is why Col. 1:14 "
through his blood" has been removed in the NASB and NIV.
"Rom. 3:25 through faith
"in his blood" has been removed.
"Rev. 1:5 "
washed" us from our sins has been removed.
"Luke 22:20 "
blood which is shed" has been removed and replaced with "cup which is poured". Gotta love allegories.
We see here clear evidence of these relationships and the outworkings of their stated motives found plainly in the New Versions.
"Henry Travers Edge was a friend of Blavatsky's who stated, "The New Versions have produced a rendering much more in accord with the views of a Theosophist [Satanist]." -Henry T. Edge,
Esoteric Keys
"The Chief Editor of the NIV, Edwin Palmer, called verses that support Salvation by Grace a "great error", and stated: "This shows the great error that is so prevalent today in some Orthodox Protestant circles, and that namely the error that Regeneration depends upon faith, and that in order to be born again, one must first accept Jesus as savior."
"He called the Gospel of Grace a "great error".
This is why Matt. 7:14 was changed to say, "difficult is the way" instead of the original "
narrow is the way" in support of Catholic works salvation doctrine.
Mark 10:24 was also changed to say, "Children, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God" in support of works salvation, rather than the original,
how hard it is for them that trust in riches to enter", was we must recognize our need for a savior and trust Christ's payment on the cross.
"At this point I don't even need to mention Isaiah 14:12, which replaced Satan, the shining falling angel, with Jesus Christ, the Morning Star.
"This is all part of their clearly stated plan to bring Lucifer worship in through the churches to prepare them to worship the Antichrist, as many of them don't even believe an Antichrist will come, are Amillennial just like the Catholic church, and are now turning to Replacement Theology, in part due to these New Versions and in part due to infiltration of Satanic ministers the Bible warns against."