The first point is posts about war from someone who never served or saw combat are meaningless. Read Carpro's post. If it is worth fighting a war, spilling American blood, then it is worth fighting to win, quickly, decisively, with no restrictions, and a quick exit strategy. If not, then don't bother. All of these half way or milk toast posts are not worthy of fighting anyone. Fighting a war requires a competent Commander-in-Chief, which this nation has not had in a while. The people fighting the war deserve our utmost respect, support, and prayers.
The second point is that I agree with D M Harris. What does any of this have to do with Christianity? Why is it we always try and mix the two? It is kind of like the threads that debate which of our two major parties is closer to God. What is the deal? Do all you side liners of patriotism hum "Onward Christian Soldiers" as you watch the fighting on the nightly news?
The Constitution is quite clear. War requires a declaration by the US Congress. Is there a declaration for Iraq and Afghanastan? Yes or no? That should answer all of your questions.