Baptist History Notebook
By Berlin Hisel
Armitage, Thomas. History of the Baptists, 2 volumes, 1877; Reprinted by James & Klock Christian Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1977.
Asplund, John. Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America, 1791; Reprinted by Church History Research & Archives, TN.
Backus, Isaac. History of New England With Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians Called Baptists, 2 volumes, Newton, Mass. 1871.
Benedict, David. A General History of the Baptist Denomination, 2 volumes, Lewis Colby & Co., New York, 1848; Reprinted by the Baptist Historical Society, Aberdeen, MS.
Benedict, David. History of the Donatists, Nickerson, Silbey & Co. Pawtucket, RI, 1875.
Bright Lights In Dark Times, Bible Truth Publishers, Oak Park, Illinois, n.d. No author listed.
Brownlee, Dr. and King, Alexander. Saint Patrick and the Western Apostolic Churches: or the Religion of the Ancient Britains and Irish not Roman Catholic and The Antiquity, Tenets and Sufferings of the Albigenses and Waldenses - American & Foreign, Christian Union, New York, 1857.
Cathcart, William. Baptist Patriots and the American Revolution, 1876; Reprinted 1976 by Guardian Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Carroll, J. M. The Trail of Blood, Ashland Avenue Baptist Church; 123 N. Ashland Ave. Lexington, KY.
Christian, John T. A History of the Baptists, 2 volumes, Baptist Sunday School Committee Texarkana, Ark.-Texas, 1922.
Christian, John T. Baptist History Vindicated, Baptist Book Concern; Louisville, KY, 1899.
Cook, Richard B. The Story of the Baptists, 1844; Reprinted by Attic Press, Inc. Greenwood, SC.
Cramp, J. M. Baptist History, American Baptist Publication Society, n.d.
Crosby, Thomas The History of the English Baptists, 4 volumes in 2, CHR&A, 1978.
Curtis, Thomas F. The Progress of Baptist Principles, Gould & Lincoln, Boston, 1856.
D'Aubigne, J.H. Merle. The Reformation in England, 2 volumes; Banner of Truth Trust, 1962, (First Published 1853).
Davis, A. A. Sermons on the Trail of Blood, First Baptist Church Nowata, OK. 1952.
Davis, J. History of the Welsh Baptists, 1835; Reprinted by the Baptist, Aberdeen, MS.
Dowling, John. The History of Romanism Edward Walker, New York, 1846.
Duncan, R. S. A History of the Baptist in Missouri, CHR&A.
Edwards, Morgan. Materials Toward a History of the Baptists, 2 volumes, 1770-1795; Reprinted by CHR&A.
Evans, Benjamin. The Early English Baptists, 2 volumes, 1862, Reprinted Attic Press, Inc., 1977.
Fisher, G. Park. History of the Christian Church, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899.
Ford, S. H. The Origin of the Baptists, Baptist Sunday School Committee, 1950.
Gieseler, John. A Compendium of Ecclesiastical History, 5 volumes. T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1846.
Gillette, A. M. Minutes of Philadelphia Baptist Association from A.D. 1707-1807, American Baptist Publication Society, 1851; Reprinted by Baptist Book Trust, Otisville, MI., 1976.
Goodby, J. J. Bye-Paths in Baptist History; Reprinted by CHR&A.
Graves, J. R. The First Baptist Church in America, 1887; Reprinted by Baptist Sunday School Committee, 1939.
Hagenback, K. R. A Text Book of the History of Doctrines, 2 volumes, Sheldon & Co., New York, 1862.
Harrison, E. F., Editor. Baker's Dictionary of Theology, Baker Book House, 1960.
Hassell, C. B. History of the Church of God, 1886; Reprinted by Turner Lassetter, 1948.
Jarrel, W. A. Baptist Church Perpetuity, 1894; Reprinted by the Baptist Examiner, Ashland, KY.
Jones, William. The History of the Christian Church, 2 volumes in 1, Ephraim A. Smith, Louisville, Ky. 1831.
Kurtz, J. H. Text Book of Church History, 2 volumes in 1, Nelson S. Quiney, Philadelphia, 1881.
Lorimer, Geo. C. The Baptists in History, Silver, Burdett & Co., Boston, 1893.
Madaule, Jacques. The Albigensian Crusade, Fordham University Press, 1967.
Masters, Lois W. The Gospel Traits in Ky. Baptists, State Board of Missions, n.d.
Mattoon, C. H. Baptist Annals of Oregon, 2 volumes, 1905; Reprinted by Elder Norman Wells, Central Point, Oregon.
Milner, Joseph. The History of the Church of Christ, 2 volumes, Hagan & Thompson, Philadelphia, 1835.
Milner, Vincent. Religious Denominations of the World, William Sarretson & Co., Philadelphia, 1871.
Mitchell, A. W., M. D. The Waldenses: Sketches of the Evangelical Christians of the Valleys of Piedmont, Philadelphia, Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1853.
Moreland, Samuel. The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Piedmont, 1658; Reprinted by Baptist Sunday School Committee; also CHR&A.
Mosheim, John L. Ecclesiastical History, Applegate, Poundsford Co., Cincinnati, 1874.
Neander, Augustus. History of the Christian Religion and Church, 5 volumes, Crocker & Brewster, Boston, 9th Edition.
Neander, Augustus. History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles, 2 volumes, Henry G. Bohn, London, 1851.
Neander, Augustus. Lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas, 2 volumes, Henry G. Bohn, London, 1843.
Nevins, Wm. M. Alien Baptism and the Baptists, Economy Press, Ashland, KY, 1962.
Newman, Alfred H. A Manual of Church History, 2 volumes, American Baptist Publication Society, 1904.
Nowlin, Wm. D. Kentucky Baptist History, 1770-1922, Baptist Book Concern, 1922.
Orchard, G. H. A Concise History of Baptists, Ashland Avenue Baptist Church, Lexington, KY, 1956.
Overbey, Edward. A Brief History of the Baptists, The Challenge Press, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1962.
Ray, D. B. Baptist Succession, 1873; Reprinted by CHR&A.
Robinson, Robert. Ecclesiastical Researches, 1792; Reprinted by CHR&A 1984.
Robinson, Robert. The History of Baptism, Lincoln & Edmands, Boston, 1817.
Schaff-Herzog. Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
Semple, Robt. B. History of the Baptists in Virginia 1810; Reprinted by CHR&A, 1976.
Simons, Menno. The Complete Writings of Menno Simons, Herald Press, Scottdale, PA, 1974.
Smiles, Samuel. The Hugenots, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, 1874.
Spencer, J. H. A History of Kentucky Baptists, 2 volumes, 1886; Reprinted by CHR&A.
Stovall, Chas. B. Baptist History and Succession, 1945; Reprinted by Bryan Station Baptist Church, Lexington, KY.
Taylor, John. A History of Ten Baptist Churches, 1823; Reprinted by Art Guild; Reprints Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1968.
Thomas, Joshua. The American Baptist Heritage in Wales, 1663-1770, Reprinted by CHR&A.
Torbert, Robert G. A History of the Baptists, Judson Press, 1950.
Van Braght, T. J. The Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror, 1660; Published by Herald Press.
Vedder, Henry C. A Short History of Baptists, American Baptist Publication Society, 1907.
Verduin, Leonard. The Reformers and Their Stepchildren, Baker Book House.
Wall, William. The History of Infant Baptism - Together With Mr. Gales Reflections and Dr. Wall's Defence, 4 volumes, University Press, Oxford, 1844.
Wells, Norman H. The Church That Jesus Loved, The Challenge Press, 1973.
Wharey, James. Sketches of Church History, Philadelphia, Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840.
Williams, Wm. R. Lectures on Baptist History, American Baptist Publication Society, 1877.
Zenos, Andrew C. Compendium of Church History, And Sabbath School Work, Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1920.