A surprise. Packer is quite biblical, hence Calvinistic, in that book.
Some select Calvinistc quotes from Packer's book follow:
"We may know as much about God as Calvin knew --ineed,if we study his works diligently,sooner or later we shall --and yet all the time(unlike Calvin,may I say) we may hardly know God at all." (p.22)
"Then,third,knowing God,is a matter of
grace. It is a relationship in which the initiative throughout is with God --as it must be,since God is so completely above us and we have so completely forfeited all claim on His favour by our sins.
We do not make friends with
God, God makes friends with
us, bringing us to knowHim by making His love known to us.Paul expresses this thought of the priority of grace in our knowledge of God when he writes to the Galatians:"Now that you have come to know God,
or rather to be known by God (Gal.4:9). What comes to the surface in this qualifying clause is the apostle's sense that grace came first,and remains fundamental,in his reader's salvation. Their knowing God was the consequence of God's taking knowledge of them. They know Him by faith because He first singled them out by grace.
'Know,' when used of God in this way,is a sovereign-grace word, pointing to God's initiative in loving,choosing,redeeming,calling, and persevering. That God is fully aware of us,'knowing us through and through'as we say,is certainly part of what is meant,as appears fromthe contrast between our imperfect knowledge of God and His perfect knowledge of us in 1 Corinthians 13:12." (p.36)