Another good theologian I read was in 'Lectures in Systematic Theology'. This was our text in College, along with Ryrie's 'Basic Theology'.
Any reformed doctrine was avoided there at all costs. This prompted me to think about predestination, election, Sovereignty, and as to why these things were rarely spoken of. It was also said that most preachers skip Romans 9 in this camp. Thankfully a SS teacher brought my attention to the DoG.
- Blessings
Henry C. Thiessen's theology was required reading in many colleges/seminaries...
A good arminian theology said to be the one by Norman Geisler, but picked one up and skimmed thru it, seemed more just describing what all positions on each doctrine are in church...
Robery Reymond has a well reviewed theology, only problem sems to be supports infant baptism!
just don't want to be someone who thinks if its not reformed or arm or dispy or cal no good to read!