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A Pew Research poll in 2010 found that evangelicals ranked only a smidgen higher than atheists in familiarity with the New Testament and Jesus’s teachings.
The old saying "If you do not know what you believe, you are bound to believe anything' rings true. American's are bibilically illiterate. Ask yourself, what can you quote easier, a random chapter of Numbers or a Michael Jackson song? 53rd Chapter of Isaiah or large quotes from Star Wars?
I'm bringing myself into judgement by stating this, for I don't know all I should, I'll each day hear maybe 3 sermons/debates on YouTube, and read a chapter of the bible, but it's not enough.
Do you hear the latest 'In" thing to say "It's not what you know, it's your relationship", this is true, knowledge can puff up, but it doesn't have to, THIS IS GOD ALMIGHTY SPEAKING TO US PEOPLE! If we were in Church, and a cloud, a clear manifestation of God appeared, none of us doubted, and He started speaking, would we ignore it or FIGHT TO SEE WHAT HE SAID? Since we'd fight, why aren't we now? Is it because we really don't believe?
How about this one, "Calvinists are all well studied, Arminians go with their gut", how true! It's impossible for one to study the bible Genesis to Revelation and not be Reformed (My preferred term as Luther believed almost identical what Calvin and all the Reformers did). Frankly I for one am getting sick of two main things, 1. The false theology presented as Reformed. 2. The utter lack of understanding of Reformed Theology 3. Biblical Illiteracy.
How about this as a rule, IF YOU HAVEN'T STUDIED, LISTEN, OBSERVE, BUT DON'T SPEAK? From the Reformation until last century, to get the highest degree available, a Doctorate in Theology, before you could go to graduate school, you didn't have to just know Greek, BUT DEBATE IN IT, these men of old, those who crafted the Westminster and London Baptist Confessions were trained beyond all of us combined! Yet the ignorant pick at them, like a Poodle barking at a giant bear.
I was Arminian, I privately debated Calvinists, they trashed me, I knew the trashed me, but I NEVER debated publicly, what if i were wrong? What if I led someone in the wrong way? I've studied Eschatology at length, pretty settled on partial preterism, but I'd NEVER DEBATE IT, what if i am wrong? What would GOD ALMIGHTY THINK?
Please ask yourself that questions before making a post, 'What would God think of what I'm writing', "Have I studied both sides exhaustively? Could I explain Reformed Theology and all the verses used? If not beware, Jesus, Paul and Peter had TERRIFYING WARNINGS FOR FALSE TEACHERS, don't think they were for only then, they are for now as well, in fact try to find Paul or Peter give out greater curses on anyone than false teachers.
The old saying "If you do not know what you believe, you are bound to believe anything' rings true. American's are bibilically illiterate. Ask yourself, what can you quote easier, a random chapter of Numbers or a Michael Jackson song? 53rd Chapter of Isaiah or large quotes from Star Wars?
I'm bringing myself into judgement by stating this, for I don't know all I should, I'll each day hear maybe 3 sermons/debates on YouTube, and read a chapter of the bible, but it's not enough.
Do you hear the latest 'In" thing to say "It's not what you know, it's your relationship", this is true, knowledge can puff up, but it doesn't have to, THIS IS GOD ALMIGHTY SPEAKING TO US PEOPLE! If we were in Church, and a cloud, a clear manifestation of God appeared, none of us doubted, and He started speaking, would we ignore it or FIGHT TO SEE WHAT HE SAID? Since we'd fight, why aren't we now? Is it because we really don't believe?
How about this one, "Calvinists are all well studied, Arminians go with their gut", how true! It's impossible for one to study the bible Genesis to Revelation and not be Reformed (My preferred term as Luther believed almost identical what Calvin and all the Reformers did). Frankly I for one am getting sick of two main things, 1. The false theology presented as Reformed. 2. The utter lack of understanding of Reformed Theology 3. Biblical Illiteracy.
How about this as a rule, IF YOU HAVEN'T STUDIED, LISTEN, OBSERVE, BUT DON'T SPEAK? From the Reformation until last century, to get the highest degree available, a Doctorate in Theology, before you could go to graduate school, you didn't have to just know Greek, BUT DEBATE IN IT, these men of old, those who crafted the Westminster and London Baptist Confessions were trained beyond all of us combined! Yet the ignorant pick at them, like a Poodle barking at a giant bear.
I was Arminian, I privately debated Calvinists, they trashed me, I knew the trashed me, but I NEVER debated publicly, what if i were wrong? What if I led someone in the wrong way? I've studied Eschatology at length, pretty settled on partial preterism, but I'd NEVER DEBATE IT, what if i am wrong? What would GOD ALMIGHTY THINK?
Please ask yourself that questions before making a post, 'What would God think of what I'm writing', "Have I studied both sides exhaustively? Could I explain Reformed Theology and all the verses used? If not beware, Jesus, Paul and Peter had TERRIFYING WARNINGS FOR FALSE TEACHERS, don't think they were for only then, they are for now as well, in fact try to find Paul or Peter give out greater curses on anyone than false teachers.