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Here's Larkin's gap between the 69th and 70th week for any interested. Again, no direct quote from scripture supports this. (I broke it into paragraphs for easier reading.)
“While there was no break between the “Seven Weeks” and the “Threescore and Two Weeks,” there is a break between the “Sixty ninth” and “Seventieth Week,” in which several things were to happen.
First we read that “Messiah Was to Be Cut Off, But Not for Himself.” This refers to Christ’s rejection and crucifixion. He died for others. Then we read that the people of the “Prince That Shall Come” shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary. Note that it does not say that the “Prince” will destroy the City and Sanctuary, but the People of the Prince. The people who destroyed the City of Jerusalem and the Temple in A. D. 70 were the Romans, therefore the “Prince (Antichrist) must be a Roman Citizen.
This does not mean that he cannot be a Syrian Jew, for Syria will then be a part of the revived Roman Empire, and Saul of Tarsus was a Roman citizen as well as a Jew. We are then told that the desolation of the land of Palestine shall continue until the “End of the War” (probably Armageddon). As this “desolation” still continues we see that the “GAP” between the “Sixty ninth” and “Seventieth Week” takes in the whole of this PRESENT DISPENSATION.” Dispensational Truth, p. 71 Clarence Larkin.
“While there was no break between the “Seven Weeks” and the “Threescore and Two Weeks,” there is a break between the “Sixty ninth” and “Seventieth Week,” in which several things were to happen.
First we read that “Messiah Was to Be Cut Off, But Not for Himself.” This refers to Christ’s rejection and crucifixion. He died for others. Then we read that the people of the “Prince That Shall Come” shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary. Note that it does not say that the “Prince” will destroy the City and Sanctuary, but the People of the Prince. The people who destroyed the City of Jerusalem and the Temple in A. D. 70 were the Romans, therefore the “Prince (Antichrist) must be a Roman Citizen.
This does not mean that he cannot be a Syrian Jew, for Syria will then be a part of the revived Roman Empire, and Saul of Tarsus was a Roman citizen as well as a Jew. We are then told that the desolation of the land of Palestine shall continue until the “End of the War” (probably Armageddon). As this “desolation” still continues we see that the “GAP” between the “Sixty ninth” and “Seventieth Week” takes in the whole of this PRESENT DISPENSATION.” Dispensational Truth, p. 71 Clarence Larkin.