I never want to change anybody mind. I wouldn't want that responsibility.
I haven't changed my mind.
I have simply thought your arguments meaningful and worth consideration, and wanted to ask questions about what your arguments entail so that I could prayerfully consider them in my own right.
That is, of course, met with vehement condemnation. Why not? That is precisely how Christians are supposed to thoughtfully sharpen each other right?
I can say Hod changed my mind. After a sermon covering the cross I was convicted that I had taught theory rather than Scripture. It took me months to come to terms with the fact Penal Substitution Theory is not in the actual text of Scripture.....and a much longer period of study and prayer to actually understand Scripture without adding in my own philosophy.
Sure, and that is as it should be.
I'm not there, not even close to there........
But, according to Aaron, I've
ALREADY sold out to your heresies and apparently, I buy in to everything you've ever suggested...Why?
Because I asked you for a clarification to make sense of your arguments.
I would have been content had God left me alone with the Theory. I had do much invested, so many sermons preached and theology lessons taught (and a fairly large library of Reformed Theology).
Sing me your sob story...
Try being 43 raised in a conservative Southern Baptist Church and having been convinced the Scripture teaches Annihilationism 2 years ago, and see how much it will wreck your life.
And, I have to admit, it was a hit to my pride having to admit I was wrong in believing Penal Substitution Theory. Try talking to people you mentored and taught, telling them you taught them philosophy rather than Scripture.
Yup, been there.
But what I gained is so much greater than the damage to my pride. It is something I will never forefit.
No, you truly embrace "SOLA SCRIPTURA"....not "SOLA COTTON MATHER"....there's a HUGE difference.
And it will generate hostility by those whose thinking is tied to Rome.
Welcome to my world.
And I look forward to continued growth and correction.
Continued growth and correction sucks.
It will isolate you and make you no friends.