In the now closed thread, in which I was about to reply when the message of closure came, I expressed the reasoning of Satisfaction over Substitution.
In much briefer form, this was the post.
The word Substitute as you use it does not apply to the Scriptures.
The animal gave noting in exchange to the person, had no choice in the matter, and therefore substitution doesn't fit.
When transferring took place, as you admitted, if the sacrifice was not acceptable it was rejected.
The focus of all sacrifice and offerings was upon satisfaction, not substitution.
Christ did not substitute my blood for His, my sufferings for His, nor my life for His.
Christ's sacrifice was pleasing and satisfying to God, therefore, God can, at His pleasure and for His purpose choose those to whom He redeems.
This is the most accurate application considering all that pertains to the tabernacle/temple and the sacrifices and offerings.
It was all about satisfaction, not substitution.
Perhaps I should not have been so temperate in my presentation early in the threads, now understanding how by clinging to the "substitution" thinking you are endorsing a scheme that obliges error.