--------But the GOP presents itself as godly (absent Christ, of course) and Christians are enticed to trade the gospel of Christ for a GOP social- political platform.
So God has given us a country that, unlike the vast majority in history, allows it's citizens to have a major say in the governing of the country, and it's wrong (
in your view??????) to pick the candidate that most nearly approaches the ideals of God Himself, simply because they do not project God - although I do think
He is projected in practice! You must remember, we ARE NOT a theocracy, selecting a national preacher, but a republic selecting a leader for ALL Americans.
Thus I totally fail to see how you can come to the conclusion that Christians who favor Trump -
who does acknowledge God - is to "
trade the gospel of Christ for a GOP social- political platform" when the alternative is to allow the godless party to wreak havoc.
I remember Jimmy Carter, who was touted as being a born-again Christian.
I honestly do not remember whether I voted for him because of this, OR did not because he was a D., but he turned out to be a terrible POTUS in spite of his "godliness", & I would not vote for him for street cleaner now!