How about if you enlighten us with some of the lies about Biden, instead of prancing around & calling us too blind to see. I’d like to see, if there is something to see, beside being gaslighted by narrative water carriers. Some people talk too much & say too little. Some people believe they are taking the high road when in actuality it is they who are too blind to see.
I already did.
Lies told by the GOP (Former President Trump)
"H1N1. You (Biden) were a disaster." The CED identified the first case of the H1N1 virus on April 14,2009. The Obama administration declared swine flu a public health emergency on April 26. At that time there had been 64 cases and zero deaths. Test kits went out May 1 (at 141 cases and 1 death). A vaccine became available early October. The comparison is misleading, at best.
"They said it would take a miracle to bring back manufacturing. I brought back 700,000 jobs. They brought back nothing." This is false. Trump did not "bring back 700,000 manufacturing jobs", even before COVID. In his first 3 years manufacturing employment rose by just under 500,000, but due to the pandemic it is down by more than 200,000 jobs from the time Trump took office.
"I'll have 25,000, 35.000, people show up at airports. We use airports." This is false. Trump did, of course, use airports but the largest crowd was approximately 10k (Airport hangers cannot accommodate crowds that Trump claimed to draw).
"Excuse me, Portland, the sheriff just came out today and he said, 'I support President Trump'." This is a false claim. The Sheriff is Mike Reese, who quickly responded that he has "never supported Donald Trump and will never support him".
Trump challenged Biden - "there aren't 100 million people with pre-existing conditions". A 2017 DHHS report estimates between 61 and 133 million Americans under the age of 65 have pre-existing conditions.
"He (Biden) called the military stupid bastards. On tape." True statement, but still dishonest as Trump presented it as a charge against Biden who was joking with the personnel in the video.
"Seattle, they heard we were coming in the following day and they put up their hands and we got back Seattle, Minneapolis. We got it back Joe, because we believe in law and order." Trump is taking credit, but Gov. Walz activated the National Guard on May 28.
"I'm OK with electric cars too. I'm all for electric cars. I have given big incentives for electric cars." This is a lie. The Trump administration tried to end tax incentives for customers who purchase electric cars.
"So as you know 202 million people, modeled out, were expected to die" (regarding the assessment of COVID in the US). This is false. The U.S. death toll was never expected to be that high.
Trump claimed that economic growth has "never" been below zero until the second quarter of 2015 (Obama's administration). The truth is that tit has been below zero 42 times since 1946.
Trump attributed the term "super-predator" to Biden (it was really Hillary Clinton).
Trump quoted Fauci as saying COVID was "not going to be a problem", but Fauci never said that.
Trump said that his bank account in China was "closed in 2015", but it is still open.
"They just happened to find 50,000 ballots last night" (the GA Senate runoff) - false statement, 50,000 ballots were not found in the runoff election.\
Trump falsely said "I don't take money from Wall Street", but he got almost $14 million from Wall Street.
"The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors". - false statement, the VP cannot reject the chosen electors.
"we weren't left ventilators by a previous administration." - false statement, the SNS had over 16K ventilators - this is more than was distributed.
The U.S. economy was the "strongest" and "greatest" in world history before the pandemic. - false statement, job growth between 2017 and 2020 was slower than job growth between 2014 and 2017. Trump's best year in GNP was a 3% increase (2018), but GDP growth had been higher 17 times over the past 40 years (including 2015). .
Trump falsely claimed that the Biden-Sanders immigration plan was to end the practice of detaining illegal immigrants (the plan was to close for-profit detention centers and end prolonged detention).
Trump claimed Biden's plan would raise "everybody's taxes". But his plan would provide a cut to 80% of the population (taxes alone, there are issues related here but it does not excuse the lie).
Trump falsely claimed that Biden's tax plan would result in "doubling and tripling your taxes." He continued by stating Biden would "raise taxes, doubling, tripling, quadrupling your taxes". - fear mongering and false. It is true that taxes would go up, but not even the highest bracket would be three times as much as it is now.
Trump claimed that the votes from the Dominion machines are counted in foreign countries, not in the United States. This is, of course, false. None of the votes are processed or counted outside of the United States.
Trump falsely accused a Republican clerk of switching 6k votes from him to Biden. But with 98% of the votes in the county had reported Biden as being ahead by about 3k votes when in fact Trump was leading by 2.5k. This was an in the process assessment, not the final numbers. While the report was not correct, it was human error during the election and not final numbers (it was not fraud).
Trump wrongly claimed that Georgia did not check signatures for mail-in ballots as was required. But the signatures were checked multiple times as is the process.
In the Michigan election Trump told his disciples "a vote dump of 149,772 votes came in unexpectedly. We were winning by a lot. That batch was received in horror. Nobody knows anything about it." This was an outright lie. The votes were in the process of being counted and an error was identified (a typo) in the working report. No votes were added to the tally. There was not a "vote dump". Trump used it to feed his sheep what they wanted.
Trump accused Biden of receiving "$3.5 million from Russia". There is no evidence of this.
The thing is, Biden is no better.