Okay, back to your earlier questions and comments.
Originally posted by mareese:
That is not true. Let us make man in our own image refers to man being created in God's image, a trinity. For man this meant body, soul, and mind. Evolution has something created, later developing a body and mind, and even later being given a soul. This isn't logical.
Some others think that God making both male and female the image of God corresponds to the Trinity. Just as two people united in marriage are one flesh, so too the persons of the Trinity are united while still being distinct persons. However, some of my married friends point out that, unlike the persons of the Trinity, the persons in a marriage do not have unity of thought and purpose. Still, I think this correspondence works better than body, soul and mind, since those aspects of you are not separate persons, as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are.
In any case, I don't think anybody's in a position to be dogmatic about what exactly God's image consists of. My point was simply that it is not about our physical shape, and that seems to be something we mainly agree on. Both theistic evolutionists and young-earth creationists affirm that humanity shares the image of God, and whether we came from dirt or primates doesn't change that.
In the future will you please print the verses you refer to rather than simply giving their references? It helps things move along.
Sorry, I assumed you had easy access to a Bible. If you don't, just PM me with your address and I'll mail you one. In the meantime, you can quickly look up passages at [
Bible Gateway].
You have painted a God who said he made man in his own image to rule over earth but then waited billions of years for man to develop before he gave them souls, let alone dominion. Is that really logical?
Can you point me to that painting? I don't remember ever saying that God made man billions of years before he gave them a soul. I would agree that what you've described there is not logical.
Do you really believe that any resemblance to humans would make HIM unworthy of your worship? Why?
If God's physical nature were no different than ours, then he would be unworthy of worship. Jesus is worthy of worship because he is the God-Man, having the nature of both humanity and God.
Do you think Jesus will be some unconceivable shape and form when we finally are able to offer him our praise for his gift to us?
He seems to have been recognizable to those he appeared to after his resurrection. Probably his heavenly form will be inconceivable to our current imagination in some ways but also very familiar. All I can do is speculate.
Are you also implying that Jesus wasn't raised up in an incorruptable body in the same form as a human man?
I think the resurrection body was in some ways the same and in some ways different. In any case, Jesus' resurrection body does not indicate the physical nature of the Trinity. God is Spirit.
Was Jesus unworthy of worship because he was as one of us?
No. But if he was only one of us and not also God, he would be unworthy of worship.
Anyone can interpret the Bible in a way that fits their views, it's a relatively simple task. However, you cannot take plain and simple scripture, written and translated under the influence of the Holy Spirit, accepted and understood in a certain way for hundreds of years, and suddenly change the meaning of it and still have a clear conscience or a solid frame of reference to direct you in your research.
So, I take it you still hold the traditional interpretation of the sun orbiting the earth instead of vice versa? After all, it was the plain and simple accepted and understood interpretation for hundreds of years, and then started to change when scientific evidence came out that it needed to be interpreted differently to jibe with reality.
For some parts of my own interpretation, I can look as far back as Augustine for support. He came to some of the same conclusions without any scientific reason to do so. On the other hand, the church's change in interpretation about all the passages that talk about the movement of the sun and fixed position of the earth was caused strictly by scientific evidence. Do [
these guys] have the right approach?