KenH said:
So you will state publicly that you support the idea that any woman who has an abortion should be executed or at least sentenced to life without parole?
So you will state publicly that you support the idea that any doctor who performs an abortion should be executed or at least sentenced to life without parole?
I will..
The woman has committed murder, and the doctor is an accomplice to murder...
And in a state that has capital punishment, they should be given the death sentence for murder.
Now you will ask how I can support capital punishment if I am pro life...
I am for the protection of INNOCENT life.. .
A person that kills another is not innocent.
I will go on record for that.
And any politician that supports the woman's right to murder their baby does not deserve to serve the public.
If someone was running for office, and defended Michael Vick's actions and said it was OK to kill dogs... the public would be outraged...
But when it comes to Human babies, it's OK?
America cares more about animals than it does babies....
And that is abominable.
We have Christians in pews decrying churches that are welcoming and affirming... saying "what sinners those churches are!!!"... but the same Christians that decry these churches, will go out and vote for people who support the Gay lifestyle!!! Amazing....
Practice what you preach... if you are against the homosexual lifestyle, don't vote to support it...
If you say Abortion is murder, don't vote for candidates that want to keep it legal...
It is hypocrisy to do so....
I will even say this... a person that claims to be a Christian and will say that abortion is murder and that Gays should not be married, if they vote for a pro abortion, pro gay candidate... THEY ARE HYPOCRITES.
And anyone that thinks it is OK to murder babies is not a Christian.
I know that is harsh, but God commands that we practice what we preach.