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And I think he owes God an apology for ADDING to his word. Secondly, if he is offended that is his business and for you to butt in is an evil prohibited in Scripture. Make you comments on the topic all you want but injecting yourself into the real or imagine offenses of one person to another that don't involved you is an insidious form of evil that is you understood its implications I doubt you would have made the comment.rbell said:Mr M., IMO your responses go over the line.
I think you owe Tim an apology for your responses.
Mr.M said:You really are this clueless aren't you? You really are eh? Astounding you have found your way onto the internet. You can't even go back a few posts ago to discover your own ADDING to God's Word and declaring something to be absolutely a sin where NO SUCH declaration exists in Scripture. You really are that clueless, unbelievable. Never mind the above passage has been taken out of context, obviously context means nothing to you, never mind the bizzare mess the rest of your comments are. Forget it. Next please!
P.S. For anyone else I have not stated my personal position on the matter, only the position that the Bible clearly does not explicitly declare racism to be a sin. Please be clear about my comments.
tinytim said:If you want to be a racist pig, go ahead... But as a minister, I am commanded to call sin, SIN... and Racism is a sin!!!
How can you love God who you haven't seen if you don't love your brother whom you have seen?
BTW... Gluttony is a sin... being fat isn't...
I can attest to holding up airport lines, by hitting some unknown flag, myself. When my wife and I along with my late brother and his wife traveled both to and from Hawaii in 2002 and to and from Denver in 2003, in every instance, I was the one gone over with a fine tooth comb, for no good reason I can think of. This happened at every airport we went through. In fact, it has happened each and every time my wife and I have flown, since, as well, although we have not flown in over two years due to some health problems for me, and maybe now would not, as I now weigh only around 220, but I do not know.mcdirector said:Well, this reminded me that while I am the half-breed (literally) in the marriage, my husband is the one pegged by the gov. for the do-not-fly list by the brilliant powers that be -- most likely for his dark and swarthy looksWE have held up more lines at more airports than I can count.
FP, did you give her your stoniest stare?
Right, it doesn't say that so quit saying it does....oh wait...a "proper interpretation" meaning YOURS shows it is....right...hello Jim Jones...next please!tinytim said:So using your reasoning and logic, if the Bible doesn't explicitly say something is a sin... it is not a sin?
I will agree that the Bible does not come out and say "Racism is a sin"
But proper interpretation of the Bible shows it is...
SaggyWoman said:My problem with marrying someone of a different race is that everyone is of a different race.
"I resemble that remark!"We are all freaks.
Cutter, I am not here to "get on your case", but would like to know exactly what, in your mind, constitues one race versus another, as opposed to what constitutes two people of "the same race"?Cutter said:No. No. No. No. No. Glad to answer your questions. My opinions are expressed in previous posts. If God commanded me to marry two from different races, I would, but I don't find that in scripture, either.
Fine. I'm sure from the way I am in the minority on this thread that most in the ministry will marry any couple.
Mr.M said:And I think he owes God an apology for ADDING to his word. Secondly, if he is offended that is his business and for you to butt in is an evil prohibited in Scripture. Make you comments on the topic all you want but injecting yourself into the real or imagine offenses of one person to another that don't involved you is an insidious form of evil that is you understood its implications I doubt you would have made the comment.
Ah yes, the mind of a juvenile who is reduced to the non sequitur. Playing patty cakes to pretend he did nothing wrong. You keep playing in the mud little one. It's okay. That's why God give people like me big shoulders, to help you little ones.rbell said:well, that's a first.
I haven't been called "insidiously evil" in days.
Mr. M, a mild laxative might help. Good luck with your irritable bowel symptoms.
Tim the Bible says that if you hate somebody it is the same as killing them or words to that effect.tinytim said:So using your reasoning and logic, if the Bible doesn't explicitly say something is a sin... it is not a sin?
I will agree that the Bible does not come out and say "Racism is a sin"
But proper interpretation of the Bible shows it is...
Racism is hate. OH... Wait... The Bible does not say "Thou shalt not hate" either.. so hate must be OK
And if you cannot deduce that hating someone because of the color of their skin is sin from the Bible... you need to find a clue...
And as Rbell would say... 'Some folk are just clueless. They don't have a clue. They can't get a clue...They couldn't get a clue if they smeared themselves with clue musk and did the clue mating dance in a field full of clues during clue mating season.'
I am starting a new thread in the general discussion area.. so we can get this thread back on target...
Sorry for the hi-jack.
rbell said:well, that's a first.
I haven't been called "insidiously evil" in days.
Tim I think that some people are concerned about biracial kids being called ugly names.tinytim said:OK, what I have seen so far the only reason for a minister not to marry a bi racial couple is possible problems down the road...
The only scriptural support is to not marry believer with unbeliever...
So we have to be fortune tellers to see if there will be problems...
Personally, I would doubt the "ugly names" could be too much more ugly than some I've seen tossed out from time to time, and recently at that, on the Baptist Board, including on this thread. :tear:faithgirl46 said:Tim I think that some people are concerned about biracial kids being called ugly names.
tinytim said:Well if there weren't racists, then she wouldn't have a problem...
Racism is a sin. Period.
And condemning biracial marriages based on the color of skin is racism...
So anyone that is not if favor of biracial marriages is a racist. Duh.
rbell said:Mr M., IMO your responses go over the line.
I think you owe Tim an apology for your responses.
Racisim is hate plain and simple. If you hate someody it is the same as klling them. That is BiblicalMr.M said:Right, it doesn't say that so quit saying it does....oh wait...a "proper interpretation" meaning YOURS shows it is....right...hello Jim Jones...next please!
Remember, my issue here is about what the BIBLE says about racism and it doesn't say it is a sin...not whether my conscience in liberty finds it acceptable to me. For critics of my thoughts please apply this information and do not read into anything I say that which I am NOT saying but you wish to assume. Thank you.
I see you lack capacity for reading and retention seeing that this has been discussed and debated in detail and your comment reflects neither thoughtful consideration of any of the previous posts or if you did read them the complete inability to retain any of the information you read.faithgirl46 said:Racisim is hate plain and simple. If you hate someody it is the same as klling them. That is Biblical