Cutter said:You bring up an interesting point here, John. One that I have witnessed, both often and firsthand, especially in divorce.
Children seek to please their parents, because they love them. They think if they try to be really, really good, maybe Mommy and Daddy will get back together again. The parents ignorantly accept this as adjustment and acceptance on the part of the child.
They tell others how well the child[ren] are handling it when, in fact, the children are confiding in other loved ones their anguish and heartache. It is so sad, especially for the children and so disgusting to see selfish adults be so ignorant.
I believe I see it too. I think it eases their conscience to tell themselves how good their children are doing. Maybe they can barely handle their own emotions after the trauma of divorce.
I have also met single parents who are just a blessing. They are an inspiration, and do more than I believe I could walking in their shoes.