webdog said:
...and you can scientifically support that?
I also disagree that everyone is prejudiced. We are called to be Christ like in our sanctification. Only if you think Christ was prejudiced would your assertation hold any water, but I don't believe it does.
Your post is about as non sequitur as it gets but...what's new around here? No one is arguing whether we are or are not called to be like Christ and stating the obvious only reflects your interest in preaching at someone, not responding.
Secondly, and again irrelevant, is your statement that Christ was not prejudice. While that is debatable for the sake of argument, let's say he wasn't. Well, neither did he sin but you do. Scripture deals with the fact that YOU sin by providing a remedy, not by SAYING well, Jesus didn't so YOU won't.
The fact is everyone is prejudice. Let's remove the perfect prototype, our Savior Christ which none of us are. While we strive to be like him, YOU won't always so playing games by saying "Jesus wasn't prejudice" still avoids answering the question that YOU and everyone else IS and will be prejudice. But then I noticed you are not BIG on answering the issue.
As far as the assertion that mutts are happier and healthy, I didn't make that claim, I challenged it. It is incumbent upon THAT person to provide proof of their claims.
Now, I can tell you that one of the most GENETICALLY HOMOGENEOUS people in the world (pure breeds, non-mutts) live the longest...that being Asians. In fact here, here is a link that list the longevity rates:
Who Lives the Longest?
In the article (guess what?) makes clear, that Sweden, the Netherlands and Icelanders are the happiest and have some of the longest lives along with Asians. Say what? Yes, the very recessively genetic POPULATIONS that are very HOMOGENEOUS Genetically are the happiest and healthiest. Yes, that puts the smack down on the MIS-INFORMATION of that poster asserting recessive or any genetically homogeneous people are less happy and healthy than mutts when in fact they are HAPPIER and more healthy than MUTTS.
Longevity and Quality of Life were listed
Hong Kong
Australia (non-Aborigines)
Just of those you will discover that demographically they are markedly homogeneous, far from the claim of the poster that MUTTS are happiest and healthiest.
Also the article contains and report that Sweden, Netherlands and Iceland are the happiest. There, there is the support. But I doubt any of that will actually matter to you since sticking to the facts doesn't seem to be your forte but for those interested in the truth...there ya go.