I believe a lot of people like to take the "Look at me, I'm above all that ugly prejudicialness of others" route to satisfy their need for some level of human righteousness/self-righteousness.
The fact is everyone is prejudice to some degree or another. While there might be a rare exception where that person is minimal in their prejudices (every one stand up and claim to be that exception), the fact is even the least prejudice person is prejudice.
Only a person who is deluding themselves to satisfy some imaginary social standard of acceptable thinking denies their own prejudices. Look at society, prejudices are quite normal and natural.
Most people of a particular race or ethnicity frankly prefer company with their own race or ethnicity on a macro social scale. Imagine being a visitor from outer space. You would find immediately that most Asians live with....Asians...most Africans with Africans and most Hispanics with Hispanics and most Anglos with Anglos. This is not an evil, this is normal. Just as people identify with their family and enjoy such familial identification, this reality of human behavior is not abandoned when someone leaves their front door. People for the most part, prefer their own kind.
This does not mean you can find your own kind only in your own race or ethnicity because as you get to know someone you may discover that beyond the normal immediate identifiers there is a very strong mental compatibility, but it does mean that quite naturally people will use the most common and immediate identifiers for selecting associations.
The question is not are you prejudice or do you approve of this or that but do you allow your prejudices to override and control how you treat people? For example. I do not care for interracial marriages but my prejudice is not going to supersede my divine imperative to treat people with kindness, patience, divine love and so on. It does not mean I have to select them for social events but it also does not mean I have to automatically exclude them either. It means simply that I have to be honest with myself and not play games and pretend I am above all of this and get to know people in light of my prejudices and treat them as a believer is commanded to treat them.
So now, I generally do not like interracial or interethnic marriages. I married a white person like me and frankly I was never attracted to other ethnicities and races for romantic considerations. Did I feel bad about that? Of course not. How ridiculous. There are many legitimate reasons for determining to not like such marriages.
However, simply because a person does not like something is no sound cause for final conclusions or prescriptive treatment of people. We are to rise above our prejudices as believers. Nothing ever says we are not to have them, we are to rise above them. I am sure this is not going to strum the hearts of the PC crowd but honesty is how one should live, even with themselves.
P.S. To the person that posted the unsubstantiated claim that genetic "Mutts" are healthier and happier...that is easy to type...but absolutely without ANY scientific support.