I myself am against abortion, I value life over death. But I can't imagine if one was a women and was raped and got pregnant. Carrying the fetus of the rapist. What decision to make? No wonder the country is divided 50/50 on this issue.
Your thinking is split and it shows in this posting and the other thread which was locked:
If a woman as the result of rape is with child...... half of it is still from her........ and the origin of life is God..... so what now about her rights of choice do you defend?
Obama is the son of a white woman and a black man....... he cannot deny either no matter how hard he tries.... and in your previous thread you took the division and made a charge...... which, I believe, is against another rule on this board. As a man and a leader with mixed parentage...... he has such potential to bring unity but he has not yielded to God's purpose in his life but is pursuing his own way.
Godly people make their choices based upon the authority and the righteousness of God and not on their own feelings of justice or fairness. If God calls children precious or a blessing.... to those who receive God's word... children are a blessing.... no matter what the circumstances of their conception. If one trusts the promises of God..... He is faithful to perform his word.... it will not return void..... and to those who praise him..... He will inhabit their praise.
While you are busy establishing the contrast of your country and its policies with ours...... you should also consider the changing demographics of both and consider the impact on the stability or change which you think you observe..... yours is more restrictive regarding immigration into it..... ours has been under considerable change and impacts to its own culture, religion, social mores, political idealogies, and economics ....... largely as the result of the impact of reduced restrition which has allowed more and more people to immigrate and take residence here..... some legally and some illegally.