First off, I'm not divided on anything abortion, when I say Ia m anti abortion I mean it and will not lend my support to it in anyway, that includes obama, not like you, the great god obama has spoken and ti is so, those babies are not persons and do not deserve life, and you lift him up high.Its you women who are divided on this topic 50/50. You need to straighten it out.
I think whats right is not support the murder of babies, sorry you don't see it that way.I just think all you people on here are so into this right vs left,
God calls it murder, not complex at all is it when you seek God on it, not men.very very complex issue
God is the creator, no baby happens unless God allows it,. we see it over and over in scripture, God creates a child in His image and we have christians defending the murder of that same child.
She decided already to destroy two families when she had the affair with the pastor, equally he also made the same decision. If this man does not leave his church there needs to be a split, you can support a murder or find a biblical church.1. A married pastor has an affair with a married congregant and gets her pregnant. Now she has do decide to go thru with it knowing full well that it will destroy two families, end a pastors career, and probally split a church. No one knows about the affair except the two of them. What does she do? Its all on her back, not the pastor. (By the way this is a scenario thats happened before in a number of situations a various denominations).
Your wrong someone else does know about the affair.
So they do a great evil, and you ok it for them to further their great evil by murdering an innocent child God created in His image? This man is not fit to pastor, he is about to murder his child.
not a very christian view point.
Again your leaving God out of the picture.2. A married congregant gets raped and gets pregnant. What does she do? The husband(they also have 3 children) does not want the baby(very real).
Again its all on her back(not the rapist and not the husband), Does she keep the baby knowing full well it will rip her family apart?
In both stories, God has been left out, by you and the people in the story. He can't be very important to anyone involved if it's so easy to leave Him out.
This is what you call biblical living? A dream world. Sorry, I'll take God and His true written word any day over this garbage your spouting.Some people on this board are living in a dream world.
Ask God what He thinks of murdering innocent babies by ripping them to pieces, by burning them to death, by stabbing them in the head with scissors, and see if He thinks it complex.PS. Thats why abortion is a very complex topic because the situations are complex and thats why the nation and women in particular are divided.
I agree with Matt, and I am a woman.Matt, are you a women? I was asking women to respond?