I probably should not have left my answer at merely saying to connect the dots. He may not have died of the jab (though I think he did). There are other complicating factors. It could be that, being a body-builder, he may have predisposed himself to a bad outcome once jabbed by taking steroids or other cardial-tissue compromising substances.
Also, there is the very serious problem of incorrect procedure in vaccinations. According to what I read many health professionals (and un-professonals, apparently) are not vaccinating correctly. By
not aspirating when injecting (to assure they are indeed avoiding vessels) they are delivering the vaccine intravenously instead of intramuscularly. The bulk of adverse early reactions, it seems, comes from the former.
More information here:
BTW this doctor is apparently on board with the currently Covid treatment regimen, though very much against the sloppy and untrained way it is being done.
So, yes, I still think the vax killed him, but there may have been other factors at play. He may have made a dangerous treatment even more so.