For the KJV fan (including me!) Gustavas Paine wrote a great book, The Men Behind the King James Version. This has a lot of biographical material in it, but is mainly a history of the translation and how it occurred. It's a must read for anyone interested in the KJV. And by the way, there is no mention anywhere in the book of a miracle that made the translation perfect. As I said in a previous post, providence does not produce perfection; only a miracle can do that. When Jesus healed someone, they were perfectly cured with never a relapse. However, when God uses a doctor to providentially heal someone of cancer through medical treatments, a relapse is possible and may even be God's will.
The Lifeline Japanese New Testament is finished and is being proofread now. Let me tell you, even after five or six times through, our proofreaders find errors. One of our proofreaders pointed out (one example of many) a couple of places in Matthew 25 where we got the honorifics wrong (crucial in Japanese). If only I had a miracle instead of proofreaders!!
The Lifeline Japanese New Testament is finished and is being proofread now. Let me tell you, even after five or six times through, our proofreaders find errors. One of our proofreaders pointed out (one example of many) a couple of places in Matthew 25 where we got the honorifics wrong (crucial in Japanese). If only I had a miracle instead of proofreaders!!