Predictions and opinions:
Does Mexico think the wall will benefit them?
Will the wall benefit the United States?
How high do you expect the wall will be?
What materials do you think it will it built out of?
How far underground will/should the footing/solid barrier be?
When will actual construction begin?
Where will the construction begin?
What measures will/should accompany the wall to increase its effectiveness?
Will Mexico pay for the wall? How?
What is the biggest obstacle to overcome? How will/should it be dealt with?
Is Mexico going to pitch a fit and will it this escalate?
Will Mexico’s economy suffer?
Will Mexico eventually change their tune and receive more help from us under certain new conditions?
Does Mexico think the wall will benefit them?
Will the wall benefit the United States?
How high do you expect the wall will be?
What materials do you think it will it built out of?
How far underground will/should the footing/solid barrier be?
When will actual construction begin?
Where will the construction begin?
What measures will/should accompany the wall to increase its effectiveness?
Will Mexico pay for the wall? How?
What is the biggest obstacle to overcome? How will/should it be dealt with?
Is Mexico going to pitch a fit and will it this escalate?
Will Mexico’s economy suffer?
Will Mexico eventually change their tune and receive more help from us under certain new conditions?