canadyjd said:
The translation "might be saved" makes it sound as if those who do receieve the love of the truth might (or might not) be saved based on that event. Perhaps the old King James English used "might be" to convey the reality of "would be" or "the result being"...salvation.
I use it because it does not change a thing regarding the conversation that is already in progress as I have already discussed and shown.
You appear to want to use the phrase "they might be saved" to mean everyone gets a chance to be saved, or everyone has been given a chance to respond to the truth.
Everyone does have a chance regarding what they do the truth already revealed them (fi you are meaning people who have never heard the gospel), as to whether or not God will send someone to bring the full truth/Christ. And for those already in earshot, they to must still choose what they will do the with truth that is revealed to them. Just requoting scripture.
Do you believe God would give a standard by which someone must be saved, even if not even one person on the planet could reach that standard without assistance?
Yes, He did.
It is called righteousness.
But He sent His Son into the World, NOT to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved

And He is turn sent forth His Spirit to convict the World of Sin, His righteousness, and the Judgment to come.
Because He is the propitiation of our sins, and not ours only but the sins of the WHole World.
Why? For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.