That has got to be the most ridiculous reply yet.
So your reasoning is that you see NO "irresponsibility" in the motives and actions leading to Zimmerman placing himself in the situation or once he entered it, whatsoever, that ended up causing this young man's death. Interesting...
Benjamin, you must understand that this board is a reflection of angry, conservative White America. There are a lot of personalities on here who listen to conservative talk radio, etc, myself being one, and it has stoked the fire of Blacks cry racism about everything.
People feel as though they haven't taken a stand when Blacks have cried racism in the past and they're sick and tired of giving them a pass just because they cry racism.
And what you have ended up with is a group of folks, even in the Church, who are absent compassion and who speak about anyone who does not meet their standard as though they were somehow less of a human being.
All the while trying to hide it under the guise of "evidential truth" and the love of Jesus while displaying anything BUT the love of Jesus.
So don't dwell on it too much. It just is what it is. As I told some other folks, I've been on a lot of boards, but this CHRISTIAN board is without a doubt filled with some of the meanest, nastiest, unChristlike people I have ever encountered.
If you don't tow the clique line, gird your loins. :laugh: