@Van brought up Matthew 23. Let's look at this chapter and see what Jesus is teaching. Is Jesus teaching us that "spiritual dead natural men have enough spiritual ability to be "entering" the kingdom" as Van claims?
Is this "woe" (prophetic curse on the Pharisees) teaching the doctrine of spiritual ability to enter into salvation before God saves a person out of deadness into life?
Is God's quickening not required before a person can be saved? Is that what the woe is saying? @Van is making that claim from this woe, found in Matthew 23. Snip
Yet another long copy and paste of non-germane scripture and then the claim it supports his bogus view.
1) Did I say the lost have the spiritual ability to "entering into salvation?" Why not use my actual quote, "1) Matthew 23:13 teaches spiritual dead natural men have enough spiritual ability to be "entering" the kingdom. Therefore the claim that spiritual dead people have no ability is bogus doctrine."
2) Did I say the lost were not "made alive" (regenerated) as part of salvation? Nope I said the lost have their faith credited as righteous faith before God chooses them individually for salvation. It would be far fetched to argue that God saves those whose faith He does not credit with righteous faith.
3) Am I making the argument for conditional election for salvation based on Matthew 23:13 alone? Nope, there are about fifty examples where scripture refers to people having faith, including people with little faith! The concept that the lost are unable to believe in Christ, even though God asks people to believe in Christ is hubris.