Originally posted by hillclimber:
TisHerself, That is the problem. People do not judge themselves.
Would you prefer a non-believer for President?
TH - I don't believe Bush's actions are a witness to his being a believer. You don't have to be a believer to be led by God. If that were the case, Jesus would have had no deciples.
How about another couple terms with Clinton?
TH - As I said, you don't give God enough credit for being in control. Whomever is in office, IMHO, is the one God chose to be there and we are fools if we try to second guess God.
You judge our President, of once being under the control of demon drugs and booze? How do you judge Moses, David, our apostle Paul? They all were murderers. Your logic is ill conceived and specious.
TH - Is it? Is there no forgiveness in God's heart? You claim Bush is Lord led, yet he had those things in his past. Which is it? Do you trust in the Lord or not?
Funny thing about being a Christian T-H, God does speak to His own through His Word.
TH - I think some humility is called for. God speaks to whomever he chooses and doesn't save it all for his followers. If that were the case, he would have no followers because we came into this world without knowledge and only possessing the free will God gave us.
Why on earth would you compare the pasts of Saddam to that of GWB? President Bush has given himself to the Lord and received salvation.
TH - Would you stake your own life and salvation on that? Are you so blind that you would believe what a man tells you? Do you think there is no chance in the world that Bush could be lying about his salvation in order to manipulate you and others? Many will come in his name, using his name, and will deceive even God's chosen.
Saddam continued in his murderous ways till the very end and would still be doing it today, were it not for our intervention.
TH - Did he continue? What proof can you offer of the last dates of these transgretions?
Yes GWB is a human and subject to frailties, just like you and me. I believe him to be a man seeking God and His direction. Our responsibility is to pray for those in authority over us, because they are fallible. This current administration is far more receptive to Godly council than most of our previous administrations.
TH - Oh ye of little faith! You assume receptivity is left in the hands of man? Yes, we all have free will to believe or not, but don't you think God is more powerful than even that?
You have been co-opted by that small band of extremist leftists currently controlling the Democratic Party.
TH - I could say the same to you in all honesty. At least my eyes are open and I have seen the lies and the greed which you seem to have missed and you continue to put too much faith in man.
You should just examine their rhetoric. They hate George Bush. They haven't had any stance on any issue since GWB moved into the White House.
TH - That, my dear, is pure RW rhetoric! Of course there have been stances on issues! Just because the right keeps saying the left has no stance doesn't mean it's so!
They are a party of NO. It is their blind hatred of President Bush, simply for his acknowledgment of God, that drives them.
TH - That simply isn't so! I don't hate Bush! And I certainly wouldn't hate him for acknowledging God! And I absolutely would not fall for such a thing!!! You seem to be the one who is swallowing rhetoric whole! Bush has lied to us constantly and yet you still support him, a man, a mere man.
(Ken H constantly points this out) That and the fact that they've lost both houses of Congress, the majority of Governorships, and the hearts and minds of America.
TH - Have you seen the latest Bush figures?
Face the fact that your party has left you and you must either take it back or join the GOP or start building a new one.
TH - You assume much! I have been a card carrying Republican until now! It has been my belief in God that has opened my eyes and showed me the lies. I have not chosen another party yet.