Benjamin, simply put your position contradicts the teaching of every firearms defense course I've ever heard of. Can't say that somebody somewhere out there supports you. But, your supporters are vanishingly rare. If your position makes you feel morally and spiritually superior fine. But the position of TCassidy and Reynolds represents the accepted standard in the civilian, LEO, and military.
Squire, I’ve been aware of what I’d call, the “bully with gun shock and aw show” being put on for the libs around here, for years, Although I’ve often had issues with it, I’ve just never challenged the way legally armed “self-defense” and moral ethic have been presented here considering it would be like jumping in the middle of a cat fight – and it is – but when someone tries to tell me, a Christian gun carrying conservative that believes he has every right to defend himself, his family and the innocent with lethal force if necessary, - that there is only one acceptable way to protect your home and that is to mercilessly shoot any intruder in your habitat, armed or not, without any other considerations until they are dead and that this is the only standard without exceptation is “the” operational procedure. Which is what I'm hearing, well...
And yes, I know I've dared to step on the toes of those who have who have administering the same lines here for years without consideration of the challenge I've offered to their conclusions, but afterall it is a debate board.
I’m sorry, but yes, as a Christian I live by higher standards than that, if I have the opportunity and ability to spare a life I’m going to show some courage, grace and faith in God and do so. Yes, proud to do it! If your argument is that the world teaches any gun owner to put away their values and grace, guess what, I’ve learned the hard way not to put my faith in the values that the world teaches and early on in my relationship with the Lord He wrote the words of Romans 12:2 on my heart: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what
is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” which when asked I tell people this is my life verse, I put it as my favorite verse when signing up here 14 years ago. So to begin an argument that equates to telling me to put away my values for what the world teaches carries absolutely no weight with me besides my recognizing the multiple fallacies that people commonly use to support that kind of thinking.
When I debate an argument I’m going to raise issues, one of them is are you going to try to tell me that there is
never the opportunity to spare the life of an intruder that had entered your home? Are you telling me that the “canon” rule is to
always finish off anyone you have to use deadly force of a gun on without exception? Are you telling me that
no defensive weapons instructor would ever agree that the opportunity might arise to spare a life and that
all qualified instructors would insist that I
always finish off anyone I were ever to shoot at? These qualifiers are important in any debate that is going to get to the truth! Maybe most importantly are you going to try to tell me that I should put my Christian values and standards aside based on what the world thinks is acceptable, although this closely relates to the goals of getting to the truth which is always a value if I’m going to undertake an argument in a debate?
I’ve stated and conceded that there are times to use deadly force and to make sure the threat stopped without question but I’ve also said, "Just because I can legally justify deadly force doesn't mean I should use it, as a Christian I live by higher laws." IOW’s I’ve said
some times deadly force is necessary but that such extreme force as to finish off an intruder such as one that is unarmed, unable to move and no longer a threat is not at
all times necessary and would go against my Christian values. To avoid my issue and try to tell me or suggest it is “canon” and I am ignorant for not agreeing with the “experts” about going forward with finishing off an intruder without exception is simply not going to fly with me!
I’ve presented a simple, basic, logical, true or false argument, that
some times the opportunity might arise that I could have a situation under control and spare a life. True or false? This qualifier (some times) has been avoided at all costs and the arguments I’m getting back instead are that are experts, I am ignorant and basically how dare I question their authority. But if true that some times this opportunity might arise, as a Christian I am not going to follow worldly protocol and take the person’s life anyway. That some here cannot comprehend, admit, focus on, address as per the qualifier a simple issue leading to a logical truth is rather troublesome and why I rarely bother to debate here anymore. It also seems troublesome that my values are discarded without any regard to letting me establish a simple premise consisting of a logical truth.
What I haven’t said is that it is taught by defense instructors that they should shoot someone in the leg, I know full well they don’t teach that, I said that if I have the opportunity and ability to do so I would regardless of the world’s instructions and this is because I (personally) answer to God for my actions. I've justified my actions as such:
I’m not interested in qualifying toward having the worldly standards as an “expert” gun carrier if those standards are in conflict with my God given conscience and defy my abilities to better serve my Lord.
I have a choice, a higher standard to live by and the free will in such situations which I will be accountable for by a Just God whose all His ways are judgment, in truth.
My fears are under control and go far beyond the judgment of those which conform to the use of these tools according to this world’s values.
Mat 10:28
(28) And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
I have the freedom to act as I so choose and seems some here want to discount my holding to my values and if so you better give me better
reason than “this” (finish them off with a couple in the head without exception is canon) is what is taught by
all gun instructors and they are an expert and I’m just ignorant! Because that all I’m hearing.
Sorry for the long post, I wasn’t going to bother wasting my time to lay out this argument as I don’t expect it to be addressed anyway, guess I like the challenge of trying to make my point and establishing truth, but, Squire, that you’ve come on actually presenting some reasoning, I’d be interested with exactly what issues I’ve raised that you believe I have gotten wrong? If so, please be careful not to misrepresent my position when doing so.