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Bundy and Sterling - How Deep Does this Go?

Bundy and Sterling: Are they racist?

  • Yes ... without a doubt

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Not sure, but their comments are wrong!

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No, that is their right to freedom of speech

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Bundy will pay the price through loss of support on issues

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Sterling should be reprimanded ...

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Sterling should give up his ownership of the Clippers!

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Sterling should remain owner, but pay fine and apologize

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The players should not finish this season ....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The players should be allowed to leave contractual obligations

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Players should no longer accept pay from their racist owner

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Now you're just lying. You've accused him of being a racist several times.

It's obvious who is lying. What I said is up to be seen. You don't see anywhere that I've called him a racist. RIF.

I see. So then, rather than being able to tell us what I've said that you believe to be "foolishness", you just resort to the "I know you are but what am I" defense.

You've got bad eyes and a reading problem. It's been established.


Well-Known Member
Poncho, it's really eerie how much I agree with you in this post.
All I can say is this post is a SLAM DUNK, OUT OF THE PARK HOMER, DEAD ON!!

Ignore all the Feds chopping away at our freedoms, let's make sure Bundy is SHUT DOWN FOR GOOD, and all we got to do is claim he's RACIST!!!!!
Hey it works every time.:BangHead::mad::BangHead::mad:

Yep, nevermind the government is corrupt and out of control and is calling Americans that question it's authority, actions and policies "domestic terrorists", nevermind the banking and corporate elite are bleeding us to death with their unconstitutional wars and nation building experiments. Nevermind the elite political class keeps "bailing out" an elite criminal class that is robbing us blind and turning us into debt and wage slaves with our own money.

Nevermind there are authoritarians on the left and the right that equate individual liberty with anarchy. Nevermind the man posing as POTUS claims the power to imprison and/or execute us without due process.

Because . . .

Bundy is a racist!

I guess some people just love playing the fool.

I'm starting to wonder if RD2 is secretly working for Media Matters or the pentagon. Most everything he posts mirrors their talking points and puts distance between important real issues and substitutes their fake divide and conquer issues they keep pumping out to distract us in their place.

Now for the goods news. It ain't working anymore RD2. Oh sure you'll always have a few weak minds you can toy with but people are WAKING UP and STANDING UP!

Clive Bundy and the REAL American patriots that backed him up when this tyrannical government went after him and his family proved it.
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Yep, nevermind the government is corrupt and out of control and is calling Americans that question it's authority, actions and policies "domestic terrorists", nevermind the banking and corporate elite are bleeding us to death with their unconstitutional wars and nation building experiments. Nevermind the elite political class keeps "bailing out" an elite criminal class that is robbing us blind and turning us into debt and wage slaves with our own money.

Nevermind there are authoritarians on the left and the right that equate individual liberty with anarchy. Nevermind the man posing as POTUS claims the power to imprison and/or execute us without due process.

Attempt to derail thread noted.

Because . . .

Bundy is a racist!

Yep, he is. And he voluntarily walked out in front of cameras and microphones and spoke his mind. There was no manipulation, unless you call reporting the news a "manipulation".

I'm starting to wonder if RD2 is secretly working for Media Matters or the pentagon.

Isn't everyone that doesn't agree with you?

Most everything he posts mirrors their talking points and puts distance between important real issues and the fake divide and conquer issues they keep pumping out to distract us.

Please learn what the news cycle is all about.


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InTheLight said:
Yep, he is. And he voluntarily walked out in front of cameras and microphones and spoke his mind. There was no manipulation, unless you call reporting the news a "manipulation".

So, you're OK knowing the "mainstream" media played you for a fool by only giving you one, out of context, portion of what he said, without giving you his whole statement in its proper context?

If you're OK with that, then maybe you should change your name to "In The Dark".


Well-Known Member
Attempt to derail thread noted.

Yep, he is. And he voluntarily walked out in front of cameras and microphones and spoke his mind. There was no manipulation, unless you call reporting the news a "manipulation".

Isn't everyone that doesn't agree with you?

Please learn what the news cycle is all about.

Your attempt to distract us from the real issue noted. Getting to be quite the habit with you.

So, you're OK knowing the "mainstream" media played you for a fool by only giving you one, out of context, portion of what he said, without giving you his whole statement in its proper context?

If you're OK with that, then maybe you should change your name to "In The Dark".

He just likes to try to keep me on the "official script" so people won't notice it's all a big distraction from the real issues. He and his "majority of three or four" aren't having much success, poor souls. :laugh:
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Your attempt to distract us from the real issue noted. Getting to be quite the habit with you.

He just likes to try to keep me on the "official script" so people won't notice it's all a big distraction from the real issues. He and his buddies aren't having much success, poor souls. :laugh:

I watched the entire video on You Tube. He's a racist.


Well-Known Member
I watched the entire video on You Tube. He's a racist.

Well gee golly wow that's different then. Based on your inerrant "opinion" that must mean the federal government has every right in the world to use the color of law to point guns at American citizens call us all domestic terrorists and beat up pregnant women for questioning it's "authority".
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Well gee golly wow then based on your "opinion" that must mean the federal government has every right in the world to use the color of law to point guns at American citizens call us all domestic terrorists and beat up pregnant women.

Now you are making things up in your head again. I never linked Bundy's racism with the idea that it's OK for the federal government to intimidate citizens. Sheesh!


Well-Known Member
I watched the entire video on You Tube. He's a racist.

Now naturally , you know if you disagree with someone else's assessment, it's simply because you're less informed. :laugh:

And what's this attempt to distract stuff? Wasn't this thread supposed to be about the two individuals and not the government?


Well-Known Member
Now you are making things up in your head again. I never linked Bundy's racism with the idea that it's OK for the federal government to intimidate citizens. Sheesh!

No you didn't but apparently that doesn't matter since somebody wants that to be the new focus of the thread. Like you said "thread derail".


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Looks like the corporate media has done it'd job once again.

It's moved the debate from outrageous government tyranny and criminality to "racism" once again.

It's bizarre how easily manipulated some of you are. What makes it even more bizarre is that you know it's the media's job to manipulate you.

Evidently some of you just enjoy being manipulated.

So there I was, minding my own business, reading this post when I apparently said out loud, "I think poncho nailed this one on the head." madre asks from across the room, "Who's poncho and what did he nail on the head?" So I sayz to madre, "Did I just say that out loud?" and madre sayz, "Yep." (which sounds more like Yup because she's Canadian, eh)

I checked weather.gov and it is 52 degrees in Hell, Mi so that won't explain my agreeing with poncho. I don't have a fever and I'm not having the DT's. The only explanation I could come up with is that poncho hit the nail on the head. Hang on a minute I need to find a chair.

Consider the simplicity of the media tactic. They don't have to do any checking on any story. No news gathering required! I have never owned a Japanese car. Why, you say? It is obvious that I am a racist. My 4 year old won't eat Mexican food. Too spicy for him? Nope. It is obvious that he, too, is racist. We, as a family, have never watched an NBA game on the television. You guessed it; we are all racist.

Thank you, poncho. :thumbs: You have brought illumination.


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I think we should rethink segregation. Have black leagues with black owners and black team members, and white leagues with white owners and white team members.

Then the team owners can't be called racists.


Well-Known Member
I think we should rethink segregation. Have black leagues with black owners and black team members, and white leagues with white owners and white team members.

Then the team owners can't be called racists.

Larry Johnson, is that you? :laugh:
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I'm starting to wonder if RD2 is secretly working for Media Matters or the pentagon. Most everything he posts mirrors their talking points and puts distance between important real issues and substitutes their fake divide and conquer issues they keep pumping out to distract us in their place.

Now for the goods news. It ain't working anymore RD2. Oh sure you'll always have a few weak minds you can toy with but people are WAKING UP and STANDING UP!

You finally found me out for who I am! Now, Obama will probably fire me, like he does with those who do not maintain their covert identities.

:laugh: :type: :thumbs:


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Sterling Has Been an OUTLANDISH Racist ....

.... more than 30 years. He has purposely bought run down properties, and ran the blacks out of them before he invested money to remodel them!

He has been sued for his racial bias, and he has never hidden how he feels about black and Hispanics ... so, I have to wonder why those who are in his employ on the team, are so surprised and taken aback by what has come to the front with these recent tapes.

Who is really the "fool?" The blacks whom he has on his payroll, or the NBA or both! A quick check of this man and his underhanded efforts as a slumlord and hater of blacks will now come to the front. After all, cream always settles to the top if you give it enough time!

I think everyone involved in this incident is, in one way or another, hypocritical ... because like I said, anyone with a little knowledge had to know about Sterling's history, but I guess that since it has hit the proverbial fan, lines have been drawn and people who were guilty by association are now trying to distance themselves from the man with the target painted on his back!

SEE: http://www.latimes.com/sports/sport...terling-20140426,0,877251.story#axzz30FL4NfT8



And believe me, sports fans, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Anyone with any sense had to know about his hidden dislike for racial minorities, and his slumlord reputation. Nevertheless, the fact that he was a billionaire blinded the eyes of those who drew their weekly paychecks.

My feelings are this. If the black players and coaches REALLY felt incensed about Sterling most recent, outlandish rants, should show how strongly they feel about this by quitting the team, and not taking another red cent from this black/Hispanic hating bigot!

My bet is they wouldn't do this, because they like the money, regardless of who signs the checks, they still bow to the all mighty dollar that this racist pig makes available to them regularly!

As for the NBA, it is also hypocritical, and no matter what they decide to do with Sterling, it won't be enough, because the problem probably goes deeper than Stering! Maybe Bundy was right. Maybe people are still slaves, its just that who their masters are, has changed!

I can honestly tell you that I was a slave to the government, and will be until I die. I surely didn't like my employer due to the things they did that the public was not aware of; even so, and I mean BUT ... I was a slave to a huge paycheck, great benefits, a fantastic retirement package, and it was beyond my ability to escape their hold on my life, as I knew I'd for sure be giving up way too much (financially speaking) to do so!

Few of us are not slaves to something. Even the Bible says we are either slaves to sin (John 8:34), or after we are saved and set apart from the master of sin, we are slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18).

I have to say that if you go to work, knowing the guy paying your wages is at least questionable in how he does business, who is at fault? Shouldn't the players for this team, as well as the NBA, be admitting that they are just as much at fault?

No, that is never going to come from the mouths of those waving their hands and standing in solidarity against this hateful racist. They need to separate themselves from this guy, the sooner the better, in order to save face!

I am not condoing Sterling's behavior ... or words ... only calling into question the mindset of those who willingly worked for him; went to his pol parties; and called him their boss!

It is publically known that "wehn Sterling purchased of the club in 1981, his team has by far the worst ... and Sterling chose simply to not hire a coach for six months. .... Sterling in telling Baylor (his GM) he wanted to fill his team with “poor black boys ..." This is the man that the public and the team now want to crucify! I call it hypocracy! You may call it someting else ... but whatever it is [that you call it] it is what it is, and what everyone tried to keep on a leash, has now broken loose and bitten the media, who is hungry to fry this fish until it's ready to move on to the next big story! :type: