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Bundy and Sterling - How Deep Does this Go?

Bundy and Sterling: Are they racist?

  • Yes ... without a doubt

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Not sure, but their comments are wrong!

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No, that is their right to freedom of speech

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Bundy will pay the price through loss of support on issues

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Sterling should be reprimanded ...

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Sterling should give up his ownership of the Clippers!

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Sterling should remain owner, but pay fine and apologize

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The players should not finish this season ....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The players should be allowed to leave contractual obligations

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Players should no longer accept pay from their racist owner

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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It was a nation colonized by and for freed American slaves. Send them there. Or let them have the New England states as a separate nation. I'm tired of this manure.

Perhaps we should have the same attitude toward racism as we do toward Abolition. The laws don't work, so just embrace racism and work with it.


Well-Known Member
It was a nation colonized by and for freed American slaves. Send them there. Or let them have the New England states as a separate nation. I'm tired of this manure.

Perhaps we should have the same attitude toward racism as we do toward Abolition. The laws don't work, so just embrace racism and work with it.

Or we could just let the Indians take back their land and put all the white and black people out. I'm sure they're tired of all of us.

Sterling probably started with Angry White Man Syndrome too. It's contagious.


Well-Known Member
.... more than 30 years. He has purposely bought run down properties, and ran the blacks out of them before he invested money to remodel them!

He has been sued for his racial bias, and he has never hidden how he feels about black and Hispanics ... so, I have to wonder why those who are in his employ on the team, are so surprised and taken aback by what has come to the front with these recent tapes.

Who is really the "fool?" The blacks whom he has on his payroll, or the NBA or both! A quick check of this man and his underhanded efforts as a slumlord and hater of blacks will now come to the front. After all, cream always settles to the top if you give it enough time!

I think everyone involved in this incident is, in one way or another, hypocritical ... because like I said, anyone with a little knowledge had to know about Sterling's history, but I guess that since it has hit the proverbial fan, lines have been drawn and people who were guilty by association are now trying to distance themselves from the man with the target painted on his back!

SEE: http://www.latimes.com/sports/sport...terling-20140426,0,877251.story#axzz30FL4NfT8



And believe me, sports fans, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Anyone with any sense had to know about his hidden dislike for racial minorities, and his slumlord reputation. Nevertheless, the fact that he was a billionaire blinded the eyes of those who drew their weekly paychecks.

My feelings are this. If the black players and coaches REALLY felt incensed about Sterling most recent, outlandish rants, should show how strongly they feel about this by quitting the team, and not taking another red cent from this black/Hispanic hating bigot!

My bet is they wouldn't do this, because they like the money, regardless of who signs the checks, they still bow to the all mighty dollar that this racist pig makes available to them regularly!

As for the NBA, it is also hypocritical, and no matter what they decide to do with Sterling, it won't be enough, because the problem probably goes deeper than Stering! Maybe Bundy was right. Maybe people are still slaves, its just that who their masters are, has changed!

I can honestly tell you that I was a slave to the government, and will be until I die. I surely didn't like my employer due to the things they did that the public was not aware of; even so, and I mean BUT ... I was a slave to a huge paycheck, great benefits, a fantastic retirement package, and it was beyond my ability to escape their hold on my life, as I knew I'd for sure be giving up way too much (financially speaking) to do so!

Few of us are not slaves to something. Even the Bible says we are either slaves to sin (John 8:34), or after we are saved and set apart from the master of sin, we are slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18).

I have to say that if you go to work, knowing the guy paying your wages is at least questionable in how he does business, who is at fault? Shouldn't the players for this team, as well as the NBA, be admitting that they are just as much at fault?

No, that is never going to come from the mouths of those waving their hands and standing in solidarity against this hateful racist. They need to separate themselves from this guy, the sooner the better, in order to save face!

I am not condoing Sterling's behavior ... or words ... only calling into question the mindset of those who willingly worked for him; went to his pol parties; and called him their boss!

It is publically known that "wehn Sterling purchased of the club in 1981, his team has by far the worst ... and Sterling chose simply to not hire a coach for six months. .... Sterling in telling Baylor (his GM) he wanted to fill his team with “poor black boys ..." This is the man that the public and the team now want to crucify! I call it hypocracy! You may call it someting else ... but whatever it is [that you call it] it is what it is, and what everyone tried to keep on a leash, has now broken loose and bitten the media, who is hungry to fry this fish until it's ready to move on to the next big story! :type:

Apparently the NBA has known for years and has received many complaints about some of his behavior. They looked the other way. Now it's out and they need to get their product out of his hands. I still wouldn't suit up for another game as long as he owned the team.

At this point, anything short of him selling the team or the NBA taking control of all team operations away from him and essentially forcing him to sell the team will appear as a concession by the league.
.... more than 30 years. He has purposely bought run down properties, and ran the blacks out of them before he invested money to remodel them!

He has been sued for his racial bias, and he has never hidden how he feels about black and Hispanics ... so, I have to wonder why those who are in his employ on the team, are so surprised and taken aback by what has come to the front with these recent tapes.
Previously, his stupidity has only been displayed locally, or in private. No one is surprised. No one is expressing surprise. What they are expressing is outrage that some doddering only fool -- no matter how "great" he may be for his own person undertaking of an "urban renewal program" -- isn't savvy enough to shut up about his personal bigotry. Everyone has prejudices. Those are to be expected. But when you tell your black mistress not to bring blacks to the arena? Geez, what would you expect her to do?

Doesn't the fact of who he rambled this nonsense at open up a whole new can of worms we could discuss on a Christian board? I don't suppose we can expect the world to hold to our views of the sanctity of marriage or the immorality of adultery, can we? By the way, why hasn't anyone on this board taken the man to task for that too, while we've been at it? Just because she's a gold digging tramp as equally culpable as he in sin doesn't make him any more righteous.

What do you expect? An NAACP award? Nope, sorry, we're going to cancel that, 'cause you're a racist! Anyone who tolerates language like that today needs to look at their own views and maybe weed out a few bad ones.
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Well-Known Member
Previously, his stupidity has only been displayed locally, or in private. No one is surprised. No one is expressing surprise. What they are expressing is outrage that some doddering only fool -- no matter how "great" he may be for his own person undertaking of an "urban renewal program" -- isn't savvy enough to shut up about his personal bigotry. Everyone has prejudices. Those are to be expected. But when you tell your black mistress not to bring blacks to the arena? Geez, what would you expect her to do?

Doesn't the fact of who he rambled this nonsense at open up a whole new can of worms we could discuss on a Christian board? I don't suppose we can expect the world to hold to our views of the sanctity of marriage or the immorality of adultery, can we? By the way, why hasn't anyone on this board taken the man to task for that too, while we've been at it? Just because she's a gold digging tramp as equally culpable as he in sin doesn't make him any more righteous.

What do you expect? An NAACP award? Nope, sorry, we're going to cancel that, 'cause you're a racist! Anyone who tolerates language like that today needs to look at their own views and maybe weed out a few bad ones.

I'm glad you mentioned that because THAT, by itself should have been enough for the league to force his hand to sell the team. from what I'm reading this man has had quite a few mistresses publicly. I thought he was divorced from his wife and thus the current lady he seemed to be okay with being seen with out in public. But if she's the mistress, he's even more of a disgusting man. I cannot stand a man who will cheat on his wife.


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I think we should rethink segregation. Have black leagues with black owners and black team members, and white leagues with white owners and white team members.

Then the team owners can't be called racists.

Evidently, blacks are OK with that. They have their own TV networks, their own business associations, their own colleges, their own beauty pageants.

Personally, I'm fine with that. I believe anybody has a right to associate with anybody they want to and, conversely, not associate with anybody they don't want to.

My only question is, why the double standard? Why is it just fine to have a Black Miss America pageant, but you know the Left would lose their minds if we had a "White Miss America".


Site Supporter
Or we could just let the Indians take back their land and put all the white and black people out. I'm sure they're tired of all of us.
Lawless, warring and savage tribes have no legitimate claim to any land or sovereignty. They were stealing land and dealing in slaves worse than anything of which the U.S. has been accused.

However, perhaps we should have simply let them kill each other off first.


Well-Known Member
Evidently, blacks are OK with that. They have their own TV networks, their own business associations, their own colleges, their own beauty pageants.

Personally, I'm fine with that. I believe anybody has a right to associate with anybody they want to and, conversely, not associate with anybody they don't want to.

My only question is, why the double standard? Why is it just fine to have a Black Miss America pageant, but you know the Left would lose their minds if we had a "White Miss America".

What double standard? Blacks are only doing what Whites had done.

During the 1930's, under the directorship of Lenora Slaughter, the Miss America pageant became segregated as rule number seven stated: "contestants must be of good health and of the white race."

There was a Miss America pageant that catered to only white women for decades. Maybe after they catch up, they'll disband the Miss Black America pageant.

White America set the standard for segregation. Minorities are simply now repeating the same wrongs that were exampled for them by White America. It took White America some time . It will take Black America some time.

But when White America is catering to White America when it comes to events and programming, why is anyone surprised that minorities are starting their own after being left out for so long?

I'm not saying it's right, but we shouldn't act like the motive behind it isn't understood. TV, movies, magazines, etc, etc, in this country is geared toward the majority and a certain level of success derives out of that. Minorities want the same.


Well-Known Member
Lawless, warring and savage tribes have no legitimate claim to any land or sovereignty. They were stealing land and dealing in slaves worse than anything of which the U.S. has been accused.

However, perhaps we should have simply let them kill each other off first.

According to whom? The thieving folks who took the land from them? I see it now : "Ohhh yall are too uncivilized to be in control of this land. We need land so because we need it and yall are uncivilized, we're gonna take it."


Well-Known Member
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Lawless, warring and savage tribes have no legitimate claim to any land or sovereignty. They were stealing land and dealing in slaves worse than anything of which the U.S. has been accused.

However, perhaps we should have simply let them kill each other off first.

You see my true colors, true colors comin' through...
I'm glad you mentioned that because THAT, by itself should have been enough for the league to force his hand to sell the team. from what I'm reading this man has had quite a few mistresses publicly.
You can't take a man's property just because he's an idiot, and the NBA won't do that. They may force him to put it into a holding company run by his soon-to-be ex-wife or someone else in his family, but no way that stupidity forces anyone to sell anything -- unless you happen to be a disordered gambler. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
You can't take a man's property just because he's an idiot, and the NBA won't do that. They may force him to put it into a holding company run by his soon-to-be ex-wife or someone else in his family, but no way that stupidity forces anyone to sell anything -- unless you happen to be a disordered gambler. :laugh:

It depends. All of your professional leagues have a clause in the contracts of al of its owners and players that allows them to be "fired" per se for conduct detrimental to the game.

However we seem to be in an age now where folks don't even bat an eyelash at that type of behavior because the players are all sleeping around too and everyone knows it.


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According to whom? The thieving folks who took the land from them? I see it now : "Ohhh yall are too uncivilized to be in control of this land. We need land so because we need it and yall are uncivilized, we're gonna take it."
Just took it from the thieves who killed the tribes that were there before them, who had killed the ones who were there before them, who had killed the ones . . .

The land wasn't stolen by the U.S. It was pretty much up for grabs.


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As Hard as this is to SAY ....

It was a nation colonized by and for freed American slaves. Send them there. Or let them have the New England states as a separate nation. I'm tired of this manure.

Perhaps we should have the same attitude toward racism as we do toward Abolition. The laws don't work, so just embrace racism and work with it.

..... I have to agree with you. When it is needed [and it is needed a lot] blacks will play the proverbially "race card!" But, what do other races have to play?

When they feel like they've been wronged, all of America holds its breath, as law enforcement ramps upto prepare for riots that may or may not break out due to the level of the racist action conduted toward a black!

Sad indeed! Maybe we should all develop a thick skin, on racism, learn to expect that it exists, and not be so reactive when it happens!


Site Supporter
It was a nation colonized by and for freed American slaves. Send them there. Or let them have the New England states as a separate nation. I'm tired of this manure.

Perhaps we should have the same attitude toward racism as we do toward Abolition. The laws don't work, so just embrace racism and work with it.
Not Abolition. I meant Prohibition. Had slavery on the brain when typing.