Okay so we've spent a few thousand lives (not counting Iraqis and afghanis) and several hundred billion dollars occupying two countries and spent unold amounts of tax dollars chasing him (Usama Bin Lazarus) and his magical disappearing donkey all over the middle east without having any hard or concrete evidence he was even involved in the 9/11 plot.
So, in other words "trust us we're the government" is all we got to go on?
Take at good hard look at this government do you really trust it to tell us the truth about anything? Honestly, do you?
All we have is the govenment's word he's even still alive . . . which I doubt very much. If he is it's a miracle that a man dying form kidney failure in 2001 could escape on a donkey that not only had to carry the dying man himself but his entire attending medical staff while dragging a dialysis machine through the rugged moutains while dodging bombs, bullets and daisy cutters to evade the world's most technologically advanced military in history of mankind.
Well, as I explained to Alatide, saying we don't have hard evidence against bin Laden does not mean we don't have evidence against him. As I have explained with the example of organized crime, it is not always easy to pin someone with hard evidence in organizations like this. These people are very intelligent and work through networks.
And I personally don't think it is all about bin Laden anyway. If we killed bin Laden today, there are thousands just waiting to take his place. So it is far more than one man.
Why did Bush invade Iraq? I have my own theory on this, I could be wrong. Could it be he wanted to kill Saddam Hussein for his father? Possibly. But I think Bush invaded Iraq to frighten all the countries in the Middle East who are supporting terrorism. Most of the terrorists who participated in the 9/11 attacks were Saudi's, who are allies. The Saudi's were allowing terrorists to operate on their soil, they were raising money on TV to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel. Nearly all of the Arab countries are allowing terrorists to operate and organize on their soil. And this is why I think Bush invaded Iraq.
First, everybody hated Saddam, even all the muslim countries surrounding him. So he made a terrific villian.
Second, by invading Iraq you literally split the muslim world in two. We are right in the middle and can respond north, south, east, or west to any other muslim nation that supports terrorism. It is a ground base.
Third, it terrifies all the muslim nations. If terrorists that were operating on their soil were to attack the U.S., then they feared that we would come rolling into their country with tanks. So now they are going to get rid of these groups operating in their country.
And I do think oil was part of it. If all the middle-eastern countries cut off the oil supply, it would destabilize the whole world. So that was a concern. I think it important to remember that most of these oil refineries were built by U.S. companies years ago. These folks were riding around on camels looking for an oasis before we came along, now they are super wealthy and enjoy a comfortable way of life.
And there are other reasons. Russia and China have their eyes on this area of the world you can be sure. So Bush wanted to establish a presence there.
Oh, and I am sure greedy businessmen have something to do with it. They have always been around and always will. They live in every country, not just the U.S.
Anyway, that is my theory, I could be wrong.