Originally posted by Ed Edwards:
If you knew me, you would know that i directly spend 40 hours a week doing this exactly this and ndireclty probably spend another 60 hours a week doing the same thing.
All I have to go on, Ed Edwards, are your posts on this thread. You may be one fine fellow in your 100 hours per week of service. If so, then that's wonderful and thanks for your service whatever it may be. I certainly don't want to be critical of what I don't know about.
However, the key message you've repeated on this forum is "torture and humiliation are not American values" which, per se, is completely true, but in effect has continued to reinforce the idea - the lies, exaggerations, and distortions - that this is a widespread "cultural" problem within the military from top to bottom.
I don't recall you ever lending one bit of support to the fact that these acts - aside from they not being torture - are not typical of American troops now or in modern times. Not once have you offered any support to our troops that serve regularly without committing any such misdeeds nor would tolerate no such misconduct. Not once have you offered any support for the many facts I've presented on this subject. Not once have you shown any interest in discerning the differences between torture, mistreatment, and legal interrogation techniques. Your response has consistently been the same.
Originally posted by Ed Edwards:
I deny your accusations (though they are so broad in scope i really don't know what they are, but generically i AM NOT like you describe nor have ever been and am never likely to be) and will commence counter-allegations.
The medicine doesn't taste so good when you have to take it yourself does it? You don't need to "commence" because you already did that when you told me to "Do my job right." You need to do YOUR job right here on this forum. If you're really about supporting our troops then do so right here in the midst of this protracted "debate" that has, with few exceptions, attempted to drag down the reputations of every member of the US Armed Forces - top to bottom - and it's civilian leadership and, for that matter, the whole nation claiming, more or less, that we need to whip ourselves endlessly for our "evil" acts. Do YOUR job, Ed Edwards.