Every business I know has rules.
Many of them have a dress code. Whether it be a fast food service, a sales company, or a large corporation, most don't accept women with mini skirts and halter tops. Most don't accept shorts and tank tops for men. They have rules for dress and conduct. They have rules as far as what you can do--sharing of information, trade secrets, etc.
There are rules in churches. Every church has a constitution, by-laws, and a statement of faith. Some even have a church covenant.
If you don't want to abide by the rules (either the business or the church) you can go somewhere else. That is only common sense.
People who deny the trinity are not welcome here. Neither are cults like J.W.'s, Mormons, Church of Scientology; nor major world religions like Islam and Hinduism. Those are the rules--some of them. This is not a "free-for-all" website. It never was. That is why, when you signed up you agreed to read and abide by the rules when you hit that "I agree" button. The rules are at the bottom of every page for all to read and refresh their memories. The rules are guided by Biblical Principles and therefore your title for this thread is misleading. It is not Business over the Bible. That is wrong. It is business along with the Bible. The two go hand in hand. One is not over the other. We glorify God in all that we do. In all the business that we do the Bible is our guide.
1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.