We need to know what we are discussing & I think we are at cross purposes.
There is no disagreement in principle on aspects like symbols, types, metaphors, other figurative language, etc. We agree that the figures are ways of expressing real truths, real concepts. And I'm happy for white horses to safely graze among the sheep in green pastures.
The question as I see it is a matter of interpretation of the OT prophecies, & "literal" or "spiritual" applies primarily to the realm & people in which they are fulfilled. Physical or spiritual, national ethnic Israel or the Church.
@John of Japan & @TCassidy have emphasised the physical to the extent that Jesus cannot leave heaven spiritually as that would mean leaving his body, & the body without the spirit is dead. The hypostatic union would be violated. And that the prophesied Kingdom (Mediatorial Kingdom?) requires the personal, physical presence of Messiah as a human being reigning over Israel in the flesh.
Whether that represents a valid literal interpretation of OT prophecy requires a careful study, grammatical, historical interpretation with a view to establish the extent of the fulfilment by the Babylonian destruction & exile & the return & rebuilding.
I think most would agree that the prophecies go way beyond the literal, physical restoration & rebuilding, & that a Messianic fulfilment is intended.
The question then becomes, is a literal, physical Kingdom prophesied, only commencing after Jesus returns to establish a future millennial Kingdom? Only after the millennium will the dead be raised for final judgment, after which the NH&NE will begin.
Is a spiritual Kingdom with King Jesus living spiritually in the hearts & lives with his born again, redeemed people prophesied, operating presently throughout the Gospel age? When Jesus returns, he will raise & judge all the dead & establish the eternal NH&NE.
That discussion may need a new thread.
Well, at least you know Jesus has not yet physically returned. But Jesus said that wherever/whenever 2 or more are gathered in His name, He would be among them, and I believe we all understand that to be "Spiritually".